

AI Chip Startup Encharge使用了Tiger Global率领的1亿美元的B系列使用此螺距甲板
AI Chip Startup Encharge使用了Tiger Global率领的1亿美元的B系列使用此螺距甲板
2025-02-13 15:03:00
Encharge AI获得了由Tiger Global领导的1亿美元的B系列融资回合,以推动其能源有效的内存计算AI芯片技术。Encharge成立于2022年,声称其芯片为当地设备而不是数据中心的推理计算提供了二十倍的能源效率。该初创公司的技术使​​用静态随机记忆(SRAM),针对汽车传感,智能零售和工业机器人技术等应用。以前的投资者RTX Ventures和Anzu Partners也参加了会议,总资金达到1.44亿美元。
2025-02-13 14:43:49
Survival of the quickest: Military leaders aim to unleash, control AI Artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly accelerating military decision-making processes within NATO, reducing analysis time from hours or days to seconds. Admiral Pierre Vandier, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, emphasized the critical importance of adapting at speed in modern warfare, citing Ukraine as an example. Major powers are investing heavily in AI for defense purposes while attempting to restrict access to关键技术如硬件。峰会主办方法国计划在欧洲成为军事AI的领导者。AI极大加速了决策速度,改变了作战节奏。然而,25个国家签署了一份关于授权致命自主武器系统的声明,表明他们不会批准完全脱离人类控制的生命攸关决定。尽管如此,专家认为大型语言模型在未来几年内将对国家安全能力产生变革性影响,因此限制技术出口变得尤为重要。北约指挥官虽然理解人们对AI的担忧,但他指出新技术本质上并非好坏分明,关键在于使用场景。 PARIS — Artificial intelligence is massively accelerating military decision making, and armed forces that don’t keep up risk being outmatched, the NATO commander in charge of strategic transformation at the alliance said at the AI Action Summit in Paris this week. Alliance members are now using AI in the decision-making loop of observe, orient, decide and act, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Adm. Pierre Vandier, said at a conference focused on military AI. Analysis that previously took hours or days, such as processing large amounts of sensor data, can now be done in a matter of seconds, he said. “The speed of operations will dramatically change,” Vandier said at a press briefing on Monday. “You see that in Ukraine. If you do not adapt at speed and at scale, you die.” The major powers have identified AI as a key enabler for future warfare, with the U.S. spending billions on AI for defense, while trying to limit China’s access to enablers such as hardware from Nvidia. Meanwhile, summit host France says it plans to become the leader in military AI in Europe. AI brings “a huge acceleration of the speed of decision,” Vandier said. “A huge acceleration that overtakes a lot of things in our system, and the system of the enemy we intend to outpace.” Vandier made a comparison to the movie The Matrix, where the main character Neo dodges bullets by having learned to move faster than his opponent’s projectiles. “The question for us is, are we already dead? So it’s a question of speed of change.” RELATED The speediness of AI raises questions about whether having a human in the control loop improves the quality of decision making, said  Jeroen van der Vlugt, chief information officer at the Netherlands Ministry of Defence. He said AI can make decisions based on amounts of data that would be impossible for humans to manage, with analysis brought down to milliseconds. A group of 25 countries at the Paris summit signed a declaration on AI-enabled weapon systems , pledging they won’t authorize life-and-death decisions by an autonomous weapon system operating completely outside human control. Summit co-chair India didn’t sign the declaration, nor did the U.K. or the United States. “We already have militaries full of intelligent, autonomous agents – we call them soldiers or airmen or Marines,” said Gregory Allen, the director of the Wadhwani AI Center at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank. “Just as military commanders are accountable, states are also responsible for the actions of their military forces, and nothing about the changing landscape of artificial intelligence is going to ever change those two facts.” Germany’s Helsing and France’s Mistral AI on Monday announced an agreement to jointly develop AI systems for defense. Google owner Alphabet last week dropped a promise not to use AI for purposes such as developing weapons, while rival OpenAI in December announced a partnership with military technology company Anduril. Frontier AI models will be useful in summarizing large intelligence reports and for war gaming and “red teaming,” said Ben Fawcett, product lead at Advai, which tests AI systems for vulnerabilities. “These kind of models will have a real utility in order to test commanders on how their plan will survive contact, especially if they’re able to update that based on what is the latest situation.” The first AI-based simulation tools are arriving that allow commanders to test and refine plans before putting them into action, according to Vandier. He said AI doesn’t mean fewer human decisions but faster and better ones, at least in theory. “AI is not a magic bullet,” Vandier said.”It gives solutions to go faster, better, more accurate, more lethal, but it won’t solve the war itself, because it’s a race between us and our competitors.” Vandier and Van der Vlugt mentioned the importance of AI for autonomy and robotics, particularly swarming technology, which relies on AI to work. “The scalability and autonomy part of it is really changing our landscape at this moment,” Van der Vlugt said. Success of AI depends on adoption, and Vandier has introduced a monthly learning package with required reading for officers at Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia, after finding out his top brass didn’t know “that much” about AI. “The technology goes so fast that ultimately, we realize that managers are not necessarily up to speed,” Vandier said. “So there is really a training challenge. If you want a head of capacity development, someone who defines the capacities of tomorrow, to be good, they need to have understood what is at stake with these technologies.” Large language models over the past decade have been getting roughly 13 times better every year, and that trend is not expected to stop, meaning models might be more than 1,000 times better in three years and more than 1 million times better in 10 years, according to Allen at CSIS. “What we aren’t seeing right now is large language models generating unique insights that would be relevant to say, planning a campaign of war, fighting operations,” Allen said. “Just because they are very far away from that level of performance today doesn’t mean that they are very far away in terms of time, because performance is improving so rapidly.” Large language models will be transformative for national security capabilities, which helps explain why the U.S. stopped selling AI chips to China, according to Allen. “We see in the not too distant future, genuinely transformative AI capabilities, and it’s important that that is a party that China is not invited to.” When asked at the press briefing whether machines will take control, Vandier said he didn’t know. He mentioned the 1983 movie WarGames, in which a computer decides to trigger nuclear war, and the Terminator series of movies, whose premise includes an AI launching a nuclear attack against humanity, saying “it could happen.” The NATO commander said while fears around AI are understandable, citizens already have the technology in their pockets with smart phones. He said new technology is not inherently good or bad, what matters is the use case. “What people want when they fight is not to be all destroyed, they want to win,” Vandier said. “As it has been for nuclear arms, one day we will have to find ways to control the AI, or we will lose control of everything.” Rudy Ruitenberg is a Europe correspondent for Defense News. He started his career at Bloomberg News and has experience reporting on technology, commodity markets and politics.
Le Chat,法国猫港已经固定了AI希望
Le Chat,法国猫港已经固定了AI希望
2025-02-13 14:42:19
在巴黎的AI峰会上,对Mistral AI的产品产生了困惑:它是因为其猫科动物的含义而命名为Le Chat,还是作为Chatbot竞争对手的聊天机器人?该应用于2月6日启动,主要用英语和其他语言运行。但是,总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)以柔和的“ sh”声音提到了它,表明猫般的品质。首席执行官亚瑟·门施(Arthur Mensch)确认勒聊天以猫的名字命名,其M形图标类似于猫的脸。o
2025-02-13 14:21:44
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)为Openai提出了一项新协议,如果Openai的董事会保留其任务并停止转换为营利性实体,则提出了他的974亿美元出价。马斯克声称,此举旨在将Openai返回开源,以安全为中心的组织。但是,Openai首席执行官Sam Altman拒绝了这一提议,这表明这是源于AI发展的竞争。争议使Openai未来的计划复杂化,包括5000亿美元的“星际之门”项目。双方都参加了马斯克发起的法律斗争,并进行了审判,可能涉及马斯克的证词。
2025-02-13 14:05:00
技术和AI股票在近2。5年的时间内已有显着增长,自2020年10月IPO以来,Palantir(PLTR)领先,增长了1,105%。尽管收入令人印象深刻,市值为2500亿美元,但分析师表明,鉴于当前的增长预测和风险回报的动态,Palantir的估值可能是不可持续的。作为替代投资,Nebius Group(NBIS)是一家拥有大量现金储备和NVIDIA的合伙企业的AI基础设施公司,具有便宜的估值和巨大的增长潜力,尽管自从去年10月以来,它已经看到了90%的股票价格上涨了90%。
2025-02-13 14:05:00
自2020年10月公开亮相以来,Palantir(PLTR)的收益显着增长,增长了1,105%,并以200倍远期收益的交易,但分析师建议由于高估问题而销售。同时,Nebius Group(NBIS)是一家具有大量财务支持的AI基础设施公司,包括来自NVIDIA,尽管最近股票收益约为90%,但仍提供了更具吸引力的估值。随着计划对欧洲人工智能基础设施的投资,并具有大幅收入增长的潜力,尼比乌斯提出了一个有希望的替代投资机会。
2025-02-13 14:00:00
视频游戏行业正在经历重大裁员,尤其是影响叙事设计师。2023年和2024年裁员了30,000多个工作,影响了发展游戏故事的创意专业人士。尽管存在这些挑战,黑曜石娱乐公司(Hotidian Entertainment)的幻想RPG却被宣布为早期的讲故事而推出。自2013年以来的叙事设计师嘉莉·帕特尔(Carrie Patel)强调了人类创造力对AI在制作独特游戏叙事中的重要性。她指出,虽然有些公司将AI用于开发,但它无法取代人类的创意投入。像鲍德尔(Baldur)的Gate 3这样的复杂故事驱动游戏的成功表明了对此类标题的需求,鼓励人们专注于质量超过长度。强大的领导力和包容性的工作环境对于面临行业挑战至关重要。
2025-02-13 14:00:00
2025-02-13 14:00:00
人工智能(AI)融入软件开发的集成变得越来越重要,可能会重塑编码专业。Microsoft Visual Studio Pro提供了AI驱动的工具,可提高开发人员的生产力和准确性。在有限的时间为止,直到2月16日,它的价格为28美元(定期为499美元)。该软件包括智能代码建议,跨平台兼容性和热加载功能之类的功能,可快速调试。
2025-02-13 14:00:00
年轻的创始人越来越多地在旧金山的创业场景中占主导地位,这是在AI技术进入的较低障碍的驱动下。Y组合活动现在经常因与会者的年轻人而排除酒精,其中许多人是未成年人或最近的高中辍学者。像塞林·科卡拉尔(Selin Kocalar)这样的创始人在退出麻省理工学院(MIT)后于21岁开始挖掘,体现了这一趋势,利用AI比以往任何时候都更快,更有效地建立公司。该现象不是分离为精英机构的。来自不同教育背景的创始人现在正在泛滥,旧金山在蓬勃发展的AI领域追求他们的技术野心。