- 数据战略不是业务战略的独立补充,也不是数据能力建设的计划。它更像是数据功能的策略,为内部数据客户提供服务。数据策略
- 不定义组织如何利用数据、分析和人工智能创造价值。这是业务战略的工作,与数据相关的战略选择是不可或缺的一部分。
- 对数据战略的误解加上薄弱的业务战略设计,阻碍了组织有效利用数据。这些问题阻碍了他们获得竞争优势的能力。
- Playing to Win 框架可以帮助组织实现以下两点:将数据创新嵌入到其业务战略中并设计有效的数据战略。
Data、分析和人工智能 (AI) 并不是商业中的新现象,但在过去几十年中变得越来越重要。
1.1 数据可以为整个组织创造效益
- 营销使用历史活动数据来识别推动成功的因素,从而更有效地分配营销支出。
- 采购部门使用数据和分析来分析供应商绩效,从而最大限度地减少中断并最大限度地节省成本。
- 销售人员使用历史数据来推荐最佳的销售点产品组合,从而增加收入。
- 客户服务中心利用数据来预测客户流失,从而采取主动行动来降低客户流失率并推动可持续的收入增长。
- 生产部门利用物联网数据来防止机器故障,降低维修成本并最大限度地减少生产停机时间。
- 产品开发团队通过数字应用丰富现有产品和服务,例如为客户提供增值见解、提高客户忠诚度并确保竞争优势。
- 持续利用现有数据的潜力来优化业务
- 使用数据和分析作为业务创新不可或缺的一部分,快速测试新的创意,从而推进思维并提高竞争力
1.2 组织努力成为数据驱动型组织
数据驱动通常被称为数据驱动的业务转型 [3]。它被称为转型是有充分理由的,因为它通常涉及影响整个企业的变化。
许多人认为成为数据驱动纯粹是 IT 和分析方面的技术专业知识的问题,而忽视了它所需的文化和组织变革。但这是一个谬论。
因此,本文利用著名的 Playing to Win 策略框架的工具,将这一想法扩展为一个随时可用的框架。
1.3 数据战略承诺
为了写这篇文章,我试图找到数据策略这个术语的起源。使用 Google 图书搜索我找到了这本书�分布式数据处理的设计和策略�[6]从1981年开始。
因此,数据策略这个术语并不新鲜,但自 2010 年以来,它引起了越来越多的兴趣,如谷歌趋势 [6]搜索,这与我在这段时间作为数据专业人员的个人经历相符。
然而,有一个问题:尽管它日益突出,但数据策略— 定义仍然不明确,并且最常被误解,从而导致沟通不畅、举措不一致和期望得不到满足。
2.1 误解#1:构建数据和人工智能能力的计划
Playing to Win 战略框架非常清楚计划和战略之间的区别[8]正如我们将在下面的 3.3 节中详细看到的。然而,当我用谷歌搜索这个词时 –数据策略— 第一页的几个结果 — 跳过广告 — 将其定义为计划或路线图。一些例子是:
2.2 误解#2:数据管理指南
2.3 误解#3:商业战略的补充
我必须承认,在我职业生涯的早期,我也陷入了这样的误解:数据战略可以作为业务战略的单独补充而存在。然而,数据策略永远不应该孤立,定义数据如何创造业务价值。这本质上是业务战略本身的作用,我们将在第 5 节中进一步探讨。
我喜欢使用乐高积木来形象化这一点:业务策略是一组相互关联的乐高积木的集成集,而错误的数据策略则表现为一个单独的实体,被臭名昭著的强行粘在上面。商业主— 与他可怕的 —克拉格Ø 胶水[11],扼杀创造力并阻碍创新设计。
数据策略作为业务策略的补充是什么意思?每当数据策略定义为 时定义组织如何利用数据来实现其战略目标的东西— 这是一个误解 [1c]。A 明确定义的策略是单一的[1d]为每个不可分割的业务实体制定一项业务战略。企业战略的一系列选择形成了一个和谐的整体。试图强行推行某些东西,例如通过利用数据和人工智能来获胜的单独方式,根本行不通。所以:
相反,正如我在揭秘数据策略系列文章的第 2 部分 [5],您的业务战略应明确您的组织是否以及如何使用数据、分析和人工智能来获得战略竞争优势。明确定义的业务战略已经包括数据如何创造价值[1c]。添加补充数据策略会削弱焦点并破坏集成。
第 5 节讨论了如何设计战略性地利用数据的业务战略的方法。
2.4 何去何从?
- 数据策略的连贯定义与通用业务策略定义相一致
- 将数据相关选择集成到业务战略结构中的过程
- 数据策略的定义,与业务上下文中策略的定义兼容
- 明确利用数据作为资产的业务战略的作用
- 完成数据驱动所需的所有战略工作的流程
- 第三节提供了著名的“为赢而战”战略框架的摘要,该框架将作为数据驱动所需的所有战略基础工作的基础。
- 第 4 节提出了数据策略的定义,该定义与 Playing to Win 策略框架相一致并适合。它还提供了详细的端到端流程来执行组织实现数据驱动所需的所有战略工作。
- 第5节澄清,仅设计第 4 节中定义的数据策略对于旨在成为数据驱动的组织来说是不够的。您更需要将与数据相关的战略选择编织到业务战略的结构中,从而将战略设计与数据用例创新和开发结合起来。
- 第 6 节提供了为一家生产和销售薯片和坚果的咸味休闲食品公司设计数据策略的详细示例。本节面向希望深入探索数据策略设计过程的读者。读者可以跳过这一部分,而不会失去文章的整体流程。
- 第 7 条提供一些结论性意见。
3.1 为赢而战的战略框架磷
laying to Win 是由罗杰·马丁 [8]全球公认的商业思想家、首席执行官顾问、前摩立特顾问、罗特曼管理学院名誉教授。该框架是在 20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代开发并不断完善的 [
1e],并最终达到合着书[13]由罗杰·马丁 (Roger Martin) 和宝洁公司 (P&G) 前首席执行官 A. G. 雷富礼 (A. G. Lafley) 撰写。该书于2013年出版。
该框架成为宝洁公司的标准战略方法,并已成功应用于众多行业,成为广泛认可的战略方法。此外,罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin)通过广泛的研究不断详细阐述了“为赢而玩”框架。策略从业者见解系列 [1,1f]。
虽然 Playing to Win 为设计业务策略提供了一个强大的框架,但它还提供了一种如何将数据相关选择集成到业务策略中的方法。这将在第 5 节中详细探讨。
3.2 战略实际上是什么
– 战略是一套综合的选择,它使企业在其行业中处于独特的地位,从而创造相对于竞争对手的可持续优势和卓越价值。 – [13]
该框架强调 –获胜— 强调战略的最终目标是竞争成功,而不仅仅是生存或参与市场。如果你只是为了玩而玩,那么你面临的风险是,至少有一个竞争对手知道如何获胜,并最终将你的公司赶出市场。
战略设计团队需要做出的选择可以分为五组,它们共同构建了所谓的策略选择级联,这是 Playing to Win 策略框架的核心工具之一。
- 获胜对组织意味着什么(胜利的愿望)
- 服务哪些客户、提供哪些产品(去哪里玩)
- 该组织如何旨在赢得市场上的这些客户(如何获胜)
- 实现这一目标需要哪些关键活动和资源(能力), 和
- 什么是系统、流程、规范、文化和指标 需要确保这些能力的建立和维护(管理系统)
- 该组织很难改进,因为不清楚目前的状况。
- 基于此的行动可能无效,因为利益相关者会适得其反。
- 重建竞争对手的战略通过观察他们做了什么:这是一个熟悉框架的好习惯,也是一种破冰船 [1 小时]开始策略设计过程。
- 记录您当前的策略:这是建立对现状的共同理解并使当前隐性选择明确的好方法(如果以前没有这样做过)。
- 记录新的战略可能性: 这设计策略的过程 [1i]包含一个创造性的元素,未来目标策略的许多可能性被生成并系统地评估。这些都使用策略选择级联进行记录和详细说明,每种策略对应一种可能性。
3.3 计划与策略:典型的误解
典型清单战略神话提供于[1j],包括最主要的误解:计划不是策略 [8]。罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin),Playing to Win框架的鼻祖,花费了大量的时间和精力来解释计划和策略之间的区别[8,1j,1k,1升,1米]。这些术语有何不同?
这种计划-策略-混乱也适用于数据策略正如我们在 2.1 节中看到的。
3.4 战略选择构建过程
要设计策略,需要的不仅仅是填写五个方框。Playing to Win 框架的第二个工具是一个既定的策略设计流程,称为战略选择构建过程。
第 1 步:问题定义
战略首先是解决问题的工具 [1n],因此您首先要确定战略设计的业务需求。由于您当前的策略(隐式或显式)正在产生问题,因此您需要一组新的选择,以产生您想要的结果。
此步骤旨在生成一份声明,开启步骤 3 中构思阶段的讨论。
- 提供什么服务给内部客户
- 优先级的资源有限
- 如何在支持组织更广泛的目标的同时实现卓越运营
数据策略在何处以及如何适合策略体系结构?在第4节中,我将数据策略定义为数据功能的策略,将其直接置于功能策略中。但是,仅此组织就不足以使组织成为数据驱动。正如我们将在第5节中探讨的那样,实现这一野心不仅需要精心设计的功能数据策略 - 它需要将与数据相关的选择嵌入到个人业务策略,其他功能策略和总体汇总策略中。
在 [1c],罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin)提供了这种不希望的策略退化的例子。这些是内容策略,合作伙伴策略,增长战略,可持续性战略,数字战略以及数据策略。
- 赞助:负责总体选择,建议并最终批准战略
- 所有者:设计该战略的部门负责人对做出战略选择负有最终责任
- 核心团队成员:负责共同创造战略选择的人。对于公司战略,这是整个领导团队。
- 扩展团队成员:有观点的人,这对于制定策略很重要
- 主题专家:人们,拥有特定的专业知识
正如为业务服务的人力资源或IT策略一样,数据策略是交付数据要求的功能策略 - 不是对数据如何创造价值的独立定义。
- 提供数据提供:这包括与数据,分析或AI相关的产品或服务。
- 客户数据客户:与数据提供的人一起服务。这些最有可能是公司内部利益相关者或团体,但有时也可能包括外部利益相关者。
- 公司数据服务提供商:创建数据提供的人。数据功能的工作人员。
- 竞赛:替代方案,除了数据服务提供商以外,数据客户可能会选择。这可以从根本无法提供的数据客户,服务或使用外部服务的范围内。
- 地理区域:业务部门,部门,团队,域或地理区域您的数据策略将重点关注。
- 渠道数据输送渠道:数据客户如何访问数据产品。
- 生产阶段 - 数据生命周期管理:数据生命周期的哪个阶段是内部或外包的。
翻译核心元素后,数据策略选择级联[17 号]可以定义如下:
- 赢得愿望:您功能的获胜的定义。
- 在哪里玩:您将在其上选择竞争的竞争环境。这通常包括五个维度:i)重点领域,ii)数据客户,iii)数据传输 渠道,iv)数据产品,v)数据生命周期管理。
- 如何获胜:您的数据策略将创建战略优势。您将如何可持续地与数据客户获胜。
- 必须具有的功能:它需要哪些关键活动和资源来实现如何获胜。
- 启用管理系统:基础架构(系统,流程,治理,指标和文化),为了支持和维持您的数据策略而需要。
PRIO 1:战略数据需求s
PRIO 2:操作数据需求s
具有数据相关性的操作选择的一个示例可能是报告和BI公司战略的功能。最好的做法是在组织中拥有BI解决方案,但是这些解决方案可能不会有助于您赢得的理论 - 它们只是手术的命令。
PRIO 3:未来数据需求s
- 数据平台
- 数据目录
- 商业智能工具
- 决策框架
- 开发数据文化的系统
- 数据成熟度模型
- 数据治理框架
- 技能矩阵
- …
实施相应的项目逐渐构建操作模型[20]对于数据,分析和AI [21],从而激活您的数据策略。
然后,我认为,数据用例发现,创新和验证应被视为业务,聚合或功能策略设计的战略选择结构过程的组成部分。This naturally bridges business strategy and data use case design, which is often perceived as one of the greatest challenges for organizations to become data-driven.
5.1 Data Choices as Part of Your Business Strategy
When you make your choices of Where to Play, How to Win and what capabilities and systems you need to win as part of your business strategy design, some of these choices might rely on leveraging data, analytics and AI.Strategic choices for data and AI capabilities are a natural part of your business strategy.我提供了some examples for this in [5]。
Therefore, organizations should consider data and AI as something, which needs to be weaved into the very fabric of their business strategy.
Strategic choices with data or AI relevance are simply part of your business, aggregation, or functional strategy.
For illustration purposes, think of your strategic choices as Lego pieces, from which you build your Strategic Choice Cascade, and data-related strategic choices are just an integral part of it.
Letâs have a look at an example, where AI is a capability as part of the strategy.
I used this example, which is borrowed from [1x], already before inpart two of this series of articles [5]。It is about a salty snack producer, which uses a direct-store-delivery system, where the product is directly delivered to convenience stores and placed on the shelf by the delivery driver.
This direct-store-delivery system is labor-intensive and hence expensive, but it differentiates the company from its competition. It is a strategic choice for the regional aggregation strategy, those realization might bechartered [1r]to the Sales department.
Building data and AI solutions to predict store inventory and to generate optimal product orders for each point-of-sale helps reduce costs for the direct-store-delivery system. Hence, the choice to posses a data and AI capability, which enables the organization to predict store inventory, would be a strategic choice of the function Sales strategy, which directly supports the competitive advantage of the organization.
This data-related strategic choice provides a clearstrategic data demand[5], i.e. a strategic requirements of the organization for the usage of data and AI. It is an integrated part of the companyâs strategy and reinforces other strategic choices regarding differentiation from the competition.
The example illustrates that strategy â in this case it was the strategy of the Sales function â should define how data and AI create strategic value in the organization and not a supplementary data strategy âmisconceptionâ.
Data use case innovation should therefore be an integral part of business strategy design. The following two subsections show that the strategy design process of the Playing to Win framework provides a natural environment to integrate data use case innovation.
5.2 Data for Problem Formulation and Possibility Generation
Data use cases are the heart of data value creation, but organizations often struggle to identify their individual set of feasible and impactful use cases.
When innovating data use cases, it is often not differentiated whether the purpose is optimization of existing processes or the creation of new businesses opportunities. However, it is essential to differentiate between operational use cases, which address routine needs or improve efficiency within existing systems, and strategic use cases, which directly support competitive advantage and enable new ways of operating. The latter should be part of business strategy design.
There exist well-known and proven formats and techniques for use case discovery and innovation [2,22 号]。These often incorporate elements of Design Thinking and are called Data Thinking [23], due to the inherent iterative approach required.
In fact, these formats and techniques can â and should â be directly integrated into the business strategy design process rather than being stand-alone exercises. This aligns nicely with the Strategic Choice Structuring Process, which is not surprising, as it also leveragesDesign Thinking [1o]。Thus, the Playing to Win framework allows to naturally combine data use case innovation and business strategy design, bridging the gap between business and data folks.
Integrating data use case innovation into the business strategy design process contributes to bridging the gap between business and data folks
This way, the business strategy design team can leverage data and AI as a tool to create strategic innovations by combining human creativity with data insights. This applies to Step 1 â problem formulation â as well as to Step 3 â possibility generation. Letâs have s look at an example.
Consider the salty snack food company as in the previous examples. The salty snack food company noticed declining appeal among health-conscious consumers. An analysis of sales data, combined with social media sentiment analysis, highlighted a key insight: customers increasingly sought personalized snack options.受到启发by this insight, the strategy design team moved beyond merely optimizing existing offerings and stated the following problem with the correspondinghow might we问题:
1 Problem Definition
Customers are increasingly seeking personalized snack options, but our current product offerings are standardized, leading to declining market share among health-conscious consumers.
2 How Might We Question
How might we better meet the growing demand for personalized snack options among health-conscious consumers?
By combining the data-driven insights with creative formats, the team developed the following innovative possibilities:
3.a Possibility âSnack Kitsâ:Offer build-your-own snack kits in stores where customers can manually select ingredients to create their own mix, catering to their unique preferences.
3.b Possibility âInfluencersâ:Collaborate with health and wellness influencers to design branded snack bundles targeted at their followers, promoting personalization through co-creation with trusted figures.
3.c Possibility âDirect-to-Consumer Platformâ:Design a direct-to-consumer platform where customers can input their dietary preferences and receive personalized snack bundles using AI-driven recommendations based on insights from customer data.
These possibilities werenât simply derived from data â they were inspired by data, leveraging insights as a foundation for creative solutions that addressed both customer desires and business goals.
Furthermore, with possibility 3.c the design team created a new data use case. This illustrates that within the strategy design process, data and AI can be used to:
- Inspire the problem formulation
- Create new data use cases when innovating new possibilities
The implication for this is, that:
Subject matter experts for data, analytics and AI should be a natural part of any strategy design.
This connects nicely back to Section 4.4 and serves as a general motivation for including âbusiness strategy design supportâ as a Where to Play choice within the data offering of the data strategy.
Not only the innovation of new data use cases can be incorporated into the business strategy design, but also the subsequent iterative and incremental development.
5.3 Data Use Case Validation as Part of Testing
When organizations discover or innovate data and AI use cases, it is not always clear whether the desired solution will work as intended. There are uncertain assumptions that need to be identified, evaluated and eventually validated often using proof-of-concepts or minimum viable products. This is where design thinking meets data use case design.
This process perfectly aligns with Step 6 â Testing and Transformation â of the Strategic Choice Structuring Process outlined in Section 3.4.
The Strategic Choice Structuring Process naturally allows integrating iterative and incremental data use case development.
For possibility 3.c (Direct-to-Consumer Platform) of the previous example, this might look as follows:
Example (continued)
For each strategic possibility generated, the assumptions for the possibility being a great strategy need to be identified and evaluated. This is the task of Step 4 â What Would Have to Be True?â of the Strategic Choice Structuring Process.
Step 4 is about identifyingcritical conditionsfor customers, competition and company. To illustrate the concept, some of the critical conditions might be:
为了顾客, it would have to be true, that health-conscious consumers are willing to use a digital platform to personalize their snack options.
为了竞争对手, it would have to be true, that they are either unable or unwilling to replicate the direct-to-consumer platform quickly. This is the so called canât/wonât test [1x,1年,1z]。
为了公司, it would have to be true that we can consistently derive meaningful and actionable recommendations from historical consumer data to personalize snack bundles effectively.
If the strategy design team would not be reasonably confident about that any of the identified critical conditions is currently true or could be made true, it would declare it as a障碍, which might stop the team from choosing possibility 3.c as final strategy. If a barrier has been identified, the team would design and conduct a test, in order to learn more and to gain (or lose) confidence that the condition could be made true. This is Step 6 of the Strategic Choice Structuring Process.
For the last of the three critical conditions above (company), a meaningful test could be to design a minimum viable product, where a data science team builds an algorithm using data available. The recommendations are then probed with a set of potential customers.
Such a test would validate, if the company has sufficient data to make meaningful predictions and if the data quality of that data as well as the prediction accuracy of the used algorithms are good enough to derive meaningful recommendations.
The example illustrates, that:
The data use case innovation and development process applied by data professionals, can be seamlessly integrated into the generic strategy design process of the Playing to Win framework.
Note that by doing so, business experts and data experts work together closely to design and probe new strategic possibilities, which addresses a common problem in organizations: the existing gaps between business and data teams.
5.4 Concluding Remarks on Business Strategy & Data
To conclude this section, we first link the strategic data demands originating from the business strategy design process back to the data strategy design process described in Section 4.3.
Strategic Data Demands as Inputs for Data Strategy
We saw that a part of Step I of the data strategy design process is to determine the strategic data demands of the organization, which then become the input in form of requirements for building a data function.
From this one may conclude that:
A solid design of business, aggregation and functional strategies is a necessary condition for success with data, analytics and AI in an organization.
And this is where in my opinionthe root cause of why organizations fail with data & AI lies [5]: With solidstrategy design becoming a lost art [1v], many organizations lack a sound strategic architecture and strategy design process. The lack of strategic competencies has many negative effects for an organization. One such effect is that organizations struggle to use data as an asset.
By leveraging the Playing to Win strategy framework to create a solid strategy architecture, organizations can embed data-related strategic innovation and resulting choices into their business strategy, generating clear strategic demands that inform and guide the design of the data functionâs strategy, ensuring alignment and focus.
As we concluded that leveraging strategic value from data, analytics and AI is the task of business strategy design, it is clear that the responsibility lies ultimately with the respective strategy owners, i.e. the corresponding leaders.
This emphasizes once more that leaders of all kinds and levels need to embrace adata culture, ensuring they understand, are willing to, are skilled to, and are required by their superiors to exploit possibilities to use data and AI as strategic levers. They need to become so called âdata explorersâ as defined in [2]。
Leaders of all kinds need to become data explorers
Data, analytics and AI are therefore a score skill in a digital world. That does not solely apply to data professionals such as data scientist or data engineers, but is also true for business leaders.
The ROI question for programs to become data-driven
Transformations of any kind are not an end in themselves. A transformation program to become data-driven should always arise from business strategy. Such programs are the plans and initiatives designed to activate the strategy, ensuring the realization of the organizationâs Winning Aspiration, Where to Play, and How to Win choices.
When it comes to committing resources to these transformation programs, I often encounter executives and leaders raising questions about the return on investment (ROI) â an understandable concern. However, the evaluation of anticipated costs should occur earlier during the business strategy design process, not during data strategy design or even at the implementation stage.
Ideally, the need for specific capabilities or systems should naturally emerge from a well-defined strategy. When ROI calculations dominate the discussion, it may indicate that the leadership perceives the proposed investments as unaligned with immediate strategic prioritiesâ.
During the business strategy design process, the design team should ask, âWhat would have to be true regarding the cost of building the required capabilities and systems?â If uncertainty exists about the costs, this critical condition becomes a barrier, prompting the need for testing. Such tests must evaluate both the strategic benefit and the associated costs, ensuring that data investments are assessed within the broader context of organizational priorities.
This again highlights the importance of involving data teams in the business strategy design process and demonstrates that strategy and execution are not separate phases but instead form a seamless transition to activation as soon as capabilities and systems are designed.
The next section provides a detailed walk-through of the developed framework, applying it to a practical example that builds upon the earlier case of a salty snack company.
在Section 4.3, we introduced an amended version of the Strategic Choice Structuring Process for designing a data strategy. In Section 5, we demonstrated how data-related strategic choices are integral to the business strategy, forming a key requirement for designing the data function.
Now we have all jigsaw pieces together to do the strategy work which is required in an organization to leverage data as an asset using analytics and/or AI.
This section provides a detailed example, illustrating how a data strategy can be developed. For this, we use again the salty snack food company, that produces and sells potato chips and nuts, for which we design a strategy for a group-wide data function. The section is meant to be a deep-dive and can be skipped without losing too much context.
Recall, that we touched upon this example already in Section 3.5 and Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. We will now go through the steps of the data strategy design process depicted in Figure 11.
6.1 Step I: Identify Data & AI Demands
Strategic demands
As part of the group strategy design, the salty snack food company chose to add competitive value to the country businesses by building a new reinforcing rod. The possibility chosen entailed to centralize all major IT systems (Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Manufacturing Execution System), leading to enabling management systems that span across the entire organization.
Thus, the multinational salty snack food company decided to undergo a major IT harmonization program with the goal to centralize all systems and corresponding business processes across all countries.
Based on this, the group strategy design team also chose to build another reinforcing rod for data, analytics and AI, which should be realized through a newly group-wide data function. For instance, this entailed the harmonization of all reporting solutions for the individual countries.
From several regional Sales function strategies, another strategic demand was to provide solutions for store inventory prediction, as we saw in Section 5.1.
These strategic data demands were directly tied to the organizationâs strategy, ensuring that the data function supports the competitive advantage of the organization. Strategic demands took precedence as they directly support the organizationâs theory of winning, while operational and future demands addressed foundational and exploratory needs. Letâs have a look at the latter two.
Operational demands
A critical operational data demand for the new data function was to ensure that the harmonized systems and centralized reporting solutions were designed to seamlessly replace the existing local systems at the rollout time, without interrupting day-to-day operations. During the transition phase, the existing local data teams would be responsible for maintaining the continuity of current operational dashboards and reporting solutions (e.g. for sales tracking, inventory and production management).
Future data demands
Whilst preparing for the forthcoming data strategy design process, the design team discovered several future data demands through a series of interviews with the individual regional units.
One such future data demand was the planned digital manufacturing program in several producing countries, which aimed to optimize production and quality by intensively leveraging digital and data potentials. The programâs roadmap included potential data use cases, such as predictive process tuning for production machinery.
Strategy Design Team
The team for the designing the data strategy consisted of representatives from both the corporate data function and regional stakeholders.
At the corporate level, the team included the group data leader, who owned the data strategy as she was in charge of the group data function. Other members of the core team were a data governance specialist and an analytics manager overseeing centralized reporting frameworks. As the group CEO chartered the choice of building the reinforcing rod, he acted as sponsor for the data strategy design.
From the regional perspective, the core team involved the German divisionâs data manager, which oversees the German data, analytics and AI demands and solutions. Furthermore, a representative from the manufacturing function was part of the core team to ensure alignment with local needs, such as digital manufacturing initiatives.
In addition, external subject matter experts for strategy design, data and culture where leveraged. This ensured a sound methodical approach and allowed to address change-related challenges form the very start.
The extended team consisted of several analytics power users and stakeholders with key requirements, who were involved on demand.
This composition allowed the team to balance corporate priorities with the specific demands of regional teams.
6.2 Step II: Collect Challenges
During the preparation phase, interviews with stakeholders across the group and regional units uncovered the most pressing challenges related to data, analytics and AI. These challenges needed to be addressed during data strategy design, in order to ensure the successful implementation of the centralized data function while minimizing disruptions and maximizing the value of the group data function.
The following key challenges were identified:
1 Uncertainty about future state
- Regional units voiced concerns about the clarity of the target operating model for the group data function, especially regarding their role and autonomy in managing and leveraging data after the rollout.
- Stakeholders highlighted a lack of understanding of how the harmonized systems and reporting solutions will meet both group-level and region-specific requirements.
2 Resistance to centralization
- Several regions raised concerns about losing flexibility and responsiveness in addressing their unique data business needs, particularly in scenarios where ad-hoc reporting or rapid adjustments were required.
- Fear of a one-size-fits-all solution failing to meet local business nuances was cited as a potential hurdle to adoption.
3 Skills and capability gaps
- Regional teams highlighted a need for training and support to adapt to the new centralized systems, particularly for self-service analytics and AI use cases.
- A skill and capability gap of the local business was identified in leveraging predictive analytics use cases, such as those outlined in the digital manufacturing program.
4 Interim business continuity risks
- Maintaining uninterrupted operational reporting during the transition phase remains a top priority for local teams, as any disruptions could impact critical business decisions in areas like sales, production, and inventory management.
- Stakeholders highlighted challenges in meeting local interim demands for data and analyses. They expressed uncertainty about which new local solutions would be worth developing within the existing legacy environment prior to the roll-out and which solutions could be deprioritized.
5 Alignment with Future Programs
- The design team noted that the success of future programs, such as the digital manufacturing initiative, would depend on establishing a robust data infrastructure and architecture that is flexible enough to support emerging data use cases like predictive process tuning.
6.3 Step III: Designing a Data Strategy
The strategy design process followed the Strategic Choice Structuring Process depicted in Figure 7, which itself consists of 7 steps.
第 1 步:问题定义
The data strategy design team began by defining the primary problem they aimed to solve. The team defined the problem as:
âWe need to harmonize data, analytics, and AI services across all regions based on the newly centralized IT landscape, while meeting diverse regional needs, maintaining business continuity, and enabling future data-driven opportunities.â
Step 2: How Might We?
这how might wequestion was designed to inspire innovative possibilities for the data functionâs strategy while keeping the focus on delivering value and addressing the core challenges.
âHow might we create value for our regional units through harmonized data, analytics, and AI solutions, while addressing their unique needs and aligning with our centralized IT landscape and governance?â
Step 3: Possibilities Generation
After defining the problem and framing the âHow Might Weâ question, the team generated strategic possibilities.
For illustration purposes, I have limited the possibilities of the example to two. These possibilities contrast distinct approaches to structuring and operating the function, focusing on the degree of centralization and regional autonomy. Typically, teams may develop up to six possibilities and may contrast other aspects such as the level of relying on external professional service companies or how offensive or defensive the strategy should be [14]。
Possibility âfully centralized data functionâ
This possibility envisioned a fully centralized governance and operational model for the data function. All major data, analytics, and AI activities, including data integration, governance, demand management, and solution delivery, would be managed by the central team. Regional units act as data consumers, relying on standardized reporting frameworks, dashboards, and analytics solutions provided uniformly by the central team to ensure consistency, scalability, and efficiency.
Possibility âfederated data function with regional customizationâ
This possibility proposed a federated model that combines centralized governance with significant autonomy for regional units. Regional teams would play an active role in demand management, analytics development, and leveraging data science/AI for local initiatives, particularly in programs like digital manufacturing.
Choice Cascades
To detail both possibilities, the team completed the Data Strategy Choice Cascade for each. This helped the team to build a detailed joint understanding of each possibility.
Fleshing out the Must-Have Capabilities and Enabling Management Systems was for the design team already the first step to activate the data strategy as it was a kind of reality check for each possibility.
Step 4: What Would Have to Be True?
In order not to blow up the content of this section, I will only focus on possibility B for steps 4â6 of the Strategic Choice Structuring Process, as it will be sufficient to illustrate the concept.
The critical conditions were collected for customer, company and competition.
Recall the translations for company and competition we defined in Section 4.2 for this exercise.
- Regional data customers value the ability to create their own data solutions to meet their country-specific needs
- Regional data customers have the competencies to tailor analytics and AI solutions to their specific needs through locally available tools and experimentation.
- Regional business units trust that centralized governance frameworks enable, rather than hinder, their ability to innovate and adapt to local needs.
- The central data team is able to provide effective governance frameworks and tools that empower regions to innovate while maintaining alignment with group-wide standards.
- Regional teams successfully develop and share innovative use cases and best practices that are evaluated by local teams and adopted across other regions where sensible.
- Resources are allocated effectively to balance support for both central governance and regional customization, without overburdening either side.
- The company can implement and maintain the federated model in a cost-effective way, ensuring resource allocation supports both central and local capabilities.
- The federated model outperforms do-it-yourself workarounds (e.g. with Excel) or external consultancies in delivering faster, more integrated, and cost-effective analytics and AI solutions.
Step 5: Barriers to Choice
From these critical conditions, the data strategy design team was least confident about two:
客户3:âRegional business units trust that centralized governance frameworks enable, rather than hinder, their ability to innovate and adapt to local needs.â
The reason for the low confidence was, that regional business units have historically relied on local data experts or external consultants for data solutions. It was unclear whether the data consumer would accept the new central authority.
Company-4:âThe company can implement and maintain the federated model in a cost-effective way, ensuring resource allocation supports both central and local capabilities.â
The reason for the low confidence was, that the team had at the time not enough knowledge about the costs of both, data platform and tools as well as staff costs as the overall data operating model was not detailed to a sufficient extent.
Step 6: Testing & Transformation
To address these uncertainties, the data strategy design team developed a series of tests to validate the two critical conditions.
To address the identified barriers, the data strategy design team devised two focused tests:
Test 1 (trust in new data governance model)
The design team created a rough sketch of the future data governance operating model, that made the implications for local data consumers more tangible. The draft was shared with local key stakeholders and their feedback was incorporated within a next design iteration of the data governance operating model.
Test 2 (cost efficient implementation)
The design team created a first draft of the data operating model detailing the technological solution to estimate the future total cost of ownership for technology. They also detailed the newly required expert roles to estimate the future staff cost of the data function to be built.
These tests provided actionable insights into the assumptions and validated the possibilityâs potential to succeed.
Step 7: Choice
In the context of this example, the data strategy design team decided to pursue the federated model, as it offered the highest likelihood of winning with the data customers by better balancing the need for regional innovation and customization while achieving the groupâs centralized governance and alignment goals.
6.4 Steps IV-VI: Activating Strategy
Once possibility B was selected as the new data strategy, the next task was to activate it by addressing the implementation requirements. The steps IV to VI ensured that the strategic choices made during the design process were translated into operational realities, enabling the data function to deliver on its strategic demands. By activating the data strategy in alignment with the business strategy, the organization ensured that data capabilities directly support its competitive goals.
Step IV: Determining operational capabilities & systems
After the strategic capabilities and systems had been defined in Step III as part of the data strategy, the design team identified the operational capabilities and enabling management systems required to implement the federated model effectively.
Key operational capabilities included efficient report generation. These were complemented by operational systems such as BI and ETL tools as well as systems to monitor data quality.
Step V: Data Maturity Assessment
To assess readiness for the data strategy, the team conducted a comprehensive data maturity assessment for all capabilities and systems required to activate the strategy and across all regions.
They used a traffic light evaluation metric to assess current capabilities and systems in areas such as data modeling, reporting, and local experimentation. Capabilities and systems with âgreenâ ratings were deemed ready to adopt the data strategy, while those flagged as âyellowâ or âredâ required targeted interventions in form of dedicated projects to build and maintain the new capabilities and systems.
The assessment also revealed regions where experimentation and self-service adoption were underdeveloped, providing a roadmap for prioritizing maturity-building efforts.
Step VI: A Plan to Build Data, Analytics and AI Capabilities
Based on the maturity assessment findings, the team developed a phased plans to build and sustain the required capabilities and systems with priority assigned to those elements of strategic nature.
Each region was assigned specific milestones tailored to its maturity level, with clear timelines and success metrics. To ensure continuous improvement, feedback loops were integrated into the plan, enabling the central team to refine tools and frameworks based on regional experiences and evolving needs.时间
his article aimed to demystify data strategy by addressing common misconceptions that prevent organizations from fully leveraging data, analytics, and AI.Contrary to popular belief, a data strategy is not a plan for building data capabilities, a set of guidelines for managing data, or a supplementary element to business strategy. Instead, it is a functional strategy â the strategy for the data, analytics, and AI function, which provides data services to internal customers.
The data strategy is designed on the basis of the organizationâs overarching business strategy. And it is business strategy, not data strategy, which defines how the organization leverages data to achieve competitive advantage.
By leveraging the Playing to Win framework, I demonstrated that data-related strategic choices must be embedded within the organizationâs business strategy, forming the input for a robust data strategy. By integrating data use case innovation into the business strategy design process and deriving clear strategic demands, organizations ensure that their data strategy serves as a functional enabler, delivering capabilities that directly support competitive advantage.
Using the practical example of a salty snack food company, I illustrated how organizations can apply this approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The structured process not only aligns the data function with business needs but also allows data to become a key driver of competitive advantage.
Organizations that continue to treat data strategy as a standalone supplement or a list of technical initiatives will fail to realize its true potential. Instead, by weaving data-related strategic choices into the very fabric of their business strategy, they can build a cohesive, purpose-driven strategy architecture that enables them to win.
The promise of data, analytics, and AI lies not in their technical complexity but in their strategic and cultural alignment. By embedding data innovation into business strategy design, organizations can move beyond the data hype and leverage data as a true strategic asset.
I welcome your feedback, suggestions, and questions. Do you agree, disagree, or have additional thoughts? I look forward to engaging in discussions with you in the comments here on Medium.
[1] Roger Martin,
Playing to Win/ Practitioner Insights(2024), website with list of articles[1a] Roger Martin,
What Strategy Questions are You Asking?(2023), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1b] Roger Martin,
Overcoming the Pervasive Analytical Blunder of Strategists(2021), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1c] Roger Martin,
Strategy, Strategy Everywhere(2023), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1d] Roger Martin,
Strategy is Singular(2023), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1e] Roger Martin,
The Origins of Playing To Win(2023), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1f] Roger Martin,
(Playing to Win) x 5 (2024), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1g] Roger Martin,
Strategy is what you DO, not what you SAY(2020), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1h] Roger Martin,
The Best Strategy Icebreaker(2024), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1i] Roger Martin,
战略选择构建过程(2024), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1j] Roger Martin,
The Five Deadliest Strategy Myths, Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1k] Roger Martin,
Why Planning Over Strategy?(2022), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1l] Roger Martin,
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Understanding the True Building Blocks of Corporate Strategy(2022), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1t] Roger Martin,
Who Should Do Strategy?(2023), Medium article of theâPlaying to Win Practitioner Insightsâ系列[1u] Roger Martin,
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How a leading strategy expert combined Design Thinking and scientific inquiry to allow anyone to create winning strategies, blog entry accessed on Dec. 25th 2024[15] Roger Martin, Jennifer Riel,
The One Thing You Need to Know About Managing Functions(2019), article published in Harvard Business Review[16] Jennifer Riel,
How to Make Your Strategy Real(2024), IDEOU Blog entry[17] Jens Linden,
The Data Strategy Choice Cascade(2024), Medium article published in走向数据科学[18] Alex Osterwalder,
Achieve product-market fit with our brand-new Value Proposition Canvas(2012), website accessed on Dec. 30th 2024[19] Jens Linden,
Unser Datenreifegrad ist âReactiveâ oderâManagedâ â und nu?!(2023), LinkedIn blog entry in German language[20] Andrew Campbell, Mikel Gutierrez, Mark Lancelott,
Operating Model Canvas(2017), Book published by Van Haren[21] Jens Linden,
Data & AI Operating Model Canvas(2023), LinkedIn blog entry in German language[22] Datentreiber,
The Datentreiber Method: Data & AI Business Design(2024), website accessed on Dec. 30th 2024[23] Wikipedia,
数据思维(2024), website entry on accessed on Dec. 30th 2024[24] Leandro DalleMule,
Thomas H. Davenport Whatâs Your Data Strategy?(2017), article published in Harvard Business Review除非另有说明,所有图片均由作者提供。
All Lego illustrations have been created with
MECABRICKS。I used ChatGPT 4o as sparring partner, to generate some of the example ideas.
I used ChatGPT 4o as sparring partner, to generate some of the example ideas.