作者:Hu, Xiao
提出了TCD作为一种通过计算方法监测ICC的方法,该方法考虑了大脑动脉床和脑脊髓空间的隔室合规。但是,直接的ICP监视无法用这种方法代替7。最近,另一种无创方法加入了研究ICC和IH脑4CARE(B4C)系统的一系列工具8。这个新型的机械传感器可以检测微米脉冲颅膨胀起源于每个心脏周期内的ICP变化。B4C系统已经证明了捕获替代ICP脉冲形态(ICP波形ICPW)的能力,这是一种与ICC紧密相关的生理体征9。B4C系统的高灵敏度允许其检测幅度为0.04至0.80 mm的脑脉动10,这导致相应的微米脉冲颅膨胀。该系统还提供自动波形分析,并将ICP变化转化为数字参数(例如P2/P1比,p2/p1的比率,时间到峰[TTP])在床边实时,从而增强了患者的动态监测。11,,,,12。P2波(潮汐)遵循ICP波形中的P1波(打击乐波)。升高的P2/P1比表明ICC降低,表明大脑补偿颅内体积增加的能力降低。此外,TTP(从ICP波开始到其最高峰的持续时间)提供了有关颅内系统响应的信息:较短的间隔表示高ICC,而较长的间隔表示较低,有害的ICC13。
总共考虑了136名患者进行评估。由于合并的非侵入性ICPW(NICPW)形态质量低,因此将10名患者排除在初始组中,例如运动伪像的存在和不可靠的波形)或不可靠的监测持续时间,从而导致了126名患者的修订池。随后,另外14例进行了减压颅骨切除术的患者被切除,导致112名患者的数据被分割成10 s窗户,总共有11,604个窗户,相当于15万脉冲(图。1)。桌子1代表模型开发和模型验证的人口样本人口统计和数据分配。
总体而言,整个人口样本(n= 112)显示了5.36%的数据,值高于20 mmhg(表1)。在模型开发样本中,有86.6%的患者患有外心室排水(EVD),而14.4%的患者患有ICP内部ICP换能器,而在验证样本中,100%的患者具有EVD。
Windows <20 mmhg的ICP为11.89±3.21(n= 1996年)和21.26±1.67 windows> 20 mmhg(n= 17)在验证样本中。负预测值(NPV)为0.99,正预测值(PPV)为0.14。模型的交叉验证折叠显示的平均绝对误差(MAE)为1.23±0.02 mmHg,平均平方误差(MSE)为3.68±–
测试数据集的0.34 mmHg。对于火车数据集,MAE为0.91±0.01 mmHg,MSE为1.88±0.05 mmHg。桌子2显示了10个折叠中每一个的模型交叉验证误差分布。验证数据集的MAE为3.00 mmhg,MSE为13.56 mmhg(n= 20,2013 10-S Windows)。这些值与实际ICP的变化是同步的,例如,如图2所示。2。图2:侵入性和非侵入性颅内压(ICP)方法的并发趋势。该图显示了2013年的概述,该概述是从验证数据集获得的并发平均侵入性ICP(蓝色)和无创估计的ICP(EICP)(RED)值(RED)值(RED)值(RED)(RED)值(
= 20)。可以在补充图2中观察到每个患者的个体趋势。13。表2对于模型的交叉验证折叠(MMHG中的值)的平均绝对误差(MAE)和平方误差(MSE)
平淡的Altman分析表明,ICP和EICP之间的平均差异(偏差)为0.21 mmHg,SD为±3.68 mmHg。从这些值中,ICP预测少于±7.5 mmHg的置信度限制为95%(图。3)。ICP和EICP之间存在适度的关系(r= 0.43,p<0.05),如图2所示。4。图3:侵入性和非侵入性颅内压(ICP)方法之间的一致性。该图代表了比较实际的ICP与非侵入性估计的ICP(EICP)的平淡图。
对于10张窗口的71.90%,差异低于4 mmHg,而对于91.48%的窗口,错误低于6 mmHg。重要的是要注意,<9%的窗户在ICP和EICP> 6击之间显示出差异,如图2所示。5。此外,对具有ICP <20 mmHg和ICP的20 mmhg的10窗口之间的平均差异进行了分析。据观察,对于第一组而言,MAE为2.97 mmhg,而对于第二组来说,MAE为6.41 mmhg。由于ICP升高范围内的数据点数量有限,因此预期观察到的结果。尽管努力平衡培训和测试数据集,但5.36%的数据点高于20 mmHg,限制了IH有效的模型培训。
桌子4显示EICP和EICPTCD验证数据集患者的个人值(同时进行B4C和TCD测量)(n= 13),显示ICP,EICP和EICP的平均值TCD,以及每个患者观察到的差异。表4 EICP(基于Brain4Care)和EICP之间的性能比较
TCD。ICP预测的95%置信区间(95%CI)为EICP的±4.17 mmHg,EICP的±10.78 mmHgTCD。ICP和EICP之间有很强的关系(Spearmanr= 0.76,p<0.05),ICP和EICP之间没有显着关系TCD(斯皮尔曼r= 0.25,p= 0.40)。讨论
±7.5 mmhg。这些发现推动了ICP的研究和临床使用,并有望在神经严峻的患者之外使用可靠的非侵入性ICP方法。
在一项开创性研究中,Schmidt等人。24提出了利用ABP和TCD脑血液速度来计算非侵入性ICP的线性模型,报告了4.0±1.8 mmHg的MAD。通常,基于TCD的模型类别中的非侵入性ICP方法显示出不同的精度,95%CI范围从大约±10±10′20 mmHg不等6,,,,14,,,,25,,,,30。最佳基于光学ONSD的ICP估计的研究最多呈现95%CI为±7.58 mmHg28。
对本研究中提出的模型(EICP)的比较分析TCD,一种基于TCD的CPP的文献中建立的良好方法30,,,,31,,,,32,突出显示其性能的显着差异。尽管EICP与ICP表现出更紧密的一致性和更强的相关性,但EICPTCD表现出较少的精度(95%CI为±10.78 mmHg),与ICP无显着关系。这种比较分析在患者的一部分中为评估提供了基线,并强调了该模型的潜在优势,这是一种更准确和可靠的无创方法。但是,有必要进行更广泛的验证,包括在不同的临床条件和其他非侵入性ICP估计方法之间进行的前瞻性比较。
最近的研究探索了其他创新模型,用于无创ICP估计。例如,Jaishankar等人。22开发了将ABP和脑速度波形相关的频域模型。他们的研究涉及五名患者的数据,得出的平均误差为1.5 mmHg,误差的标准偏差为4.3 mmHg22。同样,Megjhani等人。15构建了一个ML框架,其中包含来自ABP,心电图(ECG)和TCD波形的数据。他们的发现表明,基于13位患者的数据,针对域的对抗神经网络模型的MAE为3.88 mmHg,域对抗变压器模型的MAE和3.94毫米的MAE MAE和3.94毫米。15。作者还表示在±10 mmhg范围内有95%CI15。
在另一种方法中,Ganslandt等人。26采用声学信号发射技术,观察到95%CI为±7.92 mmHg,在2543个数据点中有85%的差异为5 mmHg(n= 14名患者)。最近,一项使用长距离NIRS数据的研究报告说,随机森林模型的最低MAE为5.030 mmHg,宽95%CI范围从8.782到8.487 mmHg33。总的来说,这些研究突出了估计ICP的准确性以及精度指标定义以比较侵入性和无创ICP的定义的巨大变化。
虽然临床指南通常建议特定的阈值值,例如将ICP水平保持在22毫米低于60 mmHg以上的ICP水平以触发治疗升级34,越来越认识到ICP管理应该更加个性化,并且有细微的差别35。这强调了非侵入性ICP估计作为提供个性化和动态的ICP管理的有价值工具的潜在实用性,尤其是具有能够高精度的模型。
实际上,ICP测量的准确性在临床实践中至关重要。根据AAMI(NS28:1988(R2015))和BTF指南的标准29,ICP监视设备应在0 100 mmHg范围内连续输出,其准确性为0αmmHg范围,ICP的最大预测误差为10%。> 20 mmhg。值得注意的是,先前提出的非侵入性ICP数据驱动模型虽然有价值,但可以表现出不同程度的平均误差,范围从±5到20 mmHg,通常伴随着高标准偏差6。
在神经关怀中,实时ICP估计的一种无创方法对于主动的患者管理和早期干预至关重要,最终导致结果改善。尽管ICP的标准参考值通常范围为5至15 mmhg,但文献中有关升级或降低疗法强度的确切阈值的文献存在持续的辩论17,,,,36,,,,37。最近的一项研究探讨了ABI患者中ICP值与B4C测得的P2/P1比率之间的协同关系11。这项研究表明,ICC的非侵入性标志物可以区分短期结局,这表明与P2/P1比率正常的患者相比,P2/P1比率升高的患者的结局较差,即使ICP值相似(15)(15â(15))25 mmhg)。
B4C系统的优势取决于处理的简单性,即时信息获取,缺乏任何类型的能量排放以及对较低财务资源位置的适用性,就像使用一种设备一样,可以密切监控几名患者12。此外,B4C系统的NICPW在Beat-Beat基础上代表了ICP动力学的真实生理信号,这与非侵入性ICP估计的其他模型相比,这是一个优势,该模型仅利用与ICP动力学相关的二级参数,例如基于TCD的大脑血液速度和平均ABP。在这种情况下,提出的模型更有优势,因为它依赖于单个生理信号,避免了由多参数架构引起的潜在差异。此外,对于近40%的验证样本,所提出的模型能够在AAMI建议的误差范围内执行(±2 mmHg)。
这项研究的一个潜在局限性是利用核内层层腔内和脑室内ICP传感器,这可能引入测量误差。系统的综述和荟萃分析发现,不同侵入性ICP监测方法之间的这些错误约为1.5毫米(95%CI 0.7 2.3)42。尽管通常可以忽略不计,但这种可变性可能会影响提出的模型的准确性,从而强调了其仔细验证的需求。
与以前的报道相比,用于生成ML模型的大种群样本量是本研究的强度。但是,即使在15英寸的20 mmHg范围内,数据集中ICP值的低多样性也可能导致对实际ICP的EICP高估(图。4),这可能导致不必要的治疗。这表明当前的方法需要改进。未来的努力将重点放在数据增强和培训模型上,并具有更大的临床多样性数据集,IH事件分布更高。在此阶段,在评估平均压力值时,模型精度较高。在寻求临床调节清除之前,该模型的未来迭代将使用较大的数据集进行完善,以增强估计动态并减少低估和高估之间的时间波动。
这是对在巴西四个中心独立进行的前瞻性观察研究的回顾性分析,包括圣保罗大学医院DAS诊所(IRB,参考号6150621,CAAE:39348920.1.1.1001.0068),Sao of Sao University of Sao University of Sao University of Sao University of Sao University of Sao大学Paulo (IRB reference number 3.129.120, CAAE: 03843118.0.0000.5505), Hospital João XXIII (IRB under the reference number 6150621, CAAE: 39348920.1.1001.0068) and Hospital Estadual de Emergência e Trauma Senador Humberto Lucena (IRB reference number 5.078.425,CAAE:39348920.1.2001.5186);波尔图大学的Sao Joao医院(IRB参考编号106-17)的葡萄牙一个中心;以及美国的两个中心,斯坦福大学(IRB参考编号46100)和约翰·霍普金斯大学(IRB参考号IRB00204065)。研究方案是根据赫尔辛基宣布的,并获得了每个各自中心的当地伦理委员会的批准,并获得了患者或其合法授权代表的知情同意。根据增强流行病学(Strobe)标准的观察性研究的报告(https://www.strobe-statement.org/checklists/)。
根据临床适应症,通过光纤纤维内充质换能器(Raumedic,Munchberg,德国)监测ICP。B4C系统(Brain4Care,Sao Carlos,Sao Paulo,Brazil)是由食品药物管理局清除的可穿戴传感器(FDA数字K201989),用于注册NICPW。先前的研究详细描述了其操作原理8。总而言之,B4C系统涉及将高度敏感的传感器与皮肤接触到颅骨上,该传感器检测到源自ICP变化的每个心脏周期的微米脉冲颅膨胀。在多个临床研究中,使用B4C系统获得的波形的形态特征已被始终证明与侵入性ICP相关11,,,,12,,,,40,,,,44,,,,45。
将B4C系统放置在与ICP探针植入同一侧的额叶区域。从不同患者样品中取出的同时记录是由侵入性ABP,ICP和非侵袭性脉冲颅扩张波形(B4C系统)制成的。For the data collected at the Sao Paulo Universityâs Hospital das Clinicas, additional recordings of ECG, temperature, oxygen saturation, and middle cerebral artery (MCA) blood velocity with TCD were taken.The primary purpose of establishing this database was to investigate variations in ICP in relation to MCA blood velocities and cerebrovascular autoregulation46,,,,47, as well as invasive and noninvasive ICP waveforms40。
The collected data consisted of several short recording sessions, each lasting at least 10âmin, and electronically acquired and synchronized from patient bedside monitors at a sampling frequency of 250âHz using an in-house data collection system (brain4care, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil). During these sessions, strict monitoring by the investigator in charge was maintained to prevent any displacement of the B4C sensor, which could potentially compromise the quality of the signal. Investigators participating in the data collection were not part of the direct care team. Also, the direct care team did not have access to the data during collection.
Initially, the power spectral density derived from the B4C signal was used to estimate the SNR, calculated as the ratio of signal energy within the fundamental frequency and its first three harmonic frequencies, compared to the spectral range spanning from 0.1 to 25âHz. Signals exceeding an SNR threshold of 0.35 underwent mean pulse assessment serving as the input for a quality classifier to determine signal morphology acceptability. The output of this classifier indicated whether a signal met quality standards, having passed these two assessment stages. For downsampled signals, standardizing sample rates ensured uniformity across all signals. The data curation process was rigorous, with initial data parsing, detrending, signal validation, filtering, inversion verification, pulse identification, artifact removal, pulse alignment, pulse averaging, and pulse parameter calculation performed by analytical software in the B4C System cloud. Signal filtering involved a two-part algorithm: a 0â1 signal quality index based on spectral analysis of one-minute downsampled and detrended data, followed by a binary classifier trained on 21,000 manually classified pulses.
For the invasive ICP signal, no signal processing was applied to derive the averaged ICP values.
The model utilized for estimating ICP employed a histogram gradient boosting (HGB) regressor48, an ensemble learning technique that sequentially trains decision trees to correct errors made by previous trees. This approach effectively captures complex relationships and non-linear patterns in the data by constructing trees based on histograms of feature values. HGB was the model of choice based on a comparative analysis with other models such as temporal convolutional network (TCN) and convolutional neural network (CNN), as it provided the best estimation accuracy and requires less computational power. A quantitative comparison of the performance of each model tested is presented in Supplementary Table1。
The feature engineering process involved extracting various parameters from the B4C waveform. This process resulted in the extraction of approximately 1110 features, described in Supplementary Note1。These features were then refined based on their Spearman correlation coefficient with the regression targetâthe invasively obtained ICP values in these patients, and subsequently with their calculated importance.Feature importance was determined by prioritizing features with higher correlation coefficients.Redundant features were excluded in favor of the next most important feature, resulting in 15 features.The correlation coefficients between each feature and ICP are also described in Supplementary Note1。The detection of redundant features was based on two types of correlation.First, the correlation between features is assessed.If two features are highly correlated, it indicates they provide similar information, which can lead to redundancy.Redundant features are excluded in favor of the next most important feature, ensuring that only unique and valuable information is retained.This step helps eliminate unnecessary complexity without sacrificing predictive power.Second, the correlation between each feature and the target variable is evaluated.Features that show little to no correlation with the target are unlikely to contribute meaningfully to the modelâs predictions and are subsequently excluded.
To optimize model performance, hyperparameters underwent selection through a grid search approach with a primary focus on achieving the optimal MAE and MSE for the training dataset while avoiding undersampling or oversampling through cross-validation with 10 folds and analysis of hyperparameters.桌子5describes the key elements for processing and optimization of the proposed model.补充表2summarizes results obtained for each combination of hyperparameters to arrive at the final model selection.
To address the imbalances in the dataset, e.g., the limited representation of IH data (ICPâ>â20âmmHg), a class weighting scheme that assigns weights inversely proportional to the frequency of each class was implemented for the model development phase. This method ensures that cases with lower representativity, e.g., IH events, are given greater importance during the training process, thereby improving the modelâs performance on these critical cases. By calculating the frequency of normal and elevated ICP instances and mapping these frequencies to their corresponding weights, the modelâs ability to learn from the imbalanced data can be enhanced, ultimately leading to more accurate predictions across all ICP ranges.
Parameters derived from B4C nICPW morphological segments (e.g., P2/P1 ratio, TTP, area under the curve, intracranial compliance scale49) and outcomes of dimensionality reduction techniques were utilized in the development of this proprietary (patent-pending) predictive model. The Isomap dimensionality reduction technique was applied to the raw waveform signals, resulting in 25 reduced-dimensional fragments (Supplementary Note1) used as input features for the model. To ensure model simplicity and avoid redundancy, the inclusion of these fragments was carefully analyzed alongside the raw features. Features were refined based on their correlation with the regression target (ICP) and their importance to the model as described above. Importantly, no parameters derived from any other physiological signals were included in the model.
The entire workflow embraced a robust 10-fold cross-validation strategy to ensure the reliability of the model. This strategy involved separating data from the same patient between training and testing in each fold, with 80% allocated for model training and 20% for testing. Additionally, data from 20 patients were set aside for final replication and validation, with their data held separate and not utilized in the model development phase.
After model training, saved models from each fold were used to estimate ICP values in the validation dataset (nâ=â20). The model produced 10 calibrations and the resulting estimated ICP value (eICP) was determined as the median of these calibration models.Python 3.7, in a Jupyter Notebook environment hosted on a high-performance server, was utilized for model development due to its flexibility and extensive libraries for ML tasks.
Comparison with a baseline noninvasive method
50proposed a method based on diastolic cerebral blood velocity for the estimation of noninvasive cerebral perfusion pressure (nCPP). Studies in the literature have demonstrated that such patterns of the TCD waveform reflect impaired cerebral perfusion caused by a decrease in CPP50,,,,51。With this method, ICP can be estimated as the difference between ABP and nCPP (eICPTCDâ=âABPânCPP)30,,,,31,,,,32。nCPP estimation is expressed as (Eq. (1)):$${\rm{nCPP}}={\rm{ABP}}\times \frac{{\rm{F}}{{\rm{V}}}_{{\rm{d}}}}{{\rm{F}}{{\rm{V}}}_{{\rm{m}}}}+14\,{\rm{mmHg}}$$
dand FVm(cm/s) represent diastolic and mean blood velocity from the MCA, respectively. 14âmmHg is a preestablished calibration (zeroing) parameter derived from TBI patients.To provide a comparative baseline assessment with an established method previously reported in the literature, the proposed eICP model was compared with eICP
TCDin a subset of cases from the validation dataset with patients who had concurrent B4C and TCD measurements (nâ=â13).统计分析
The ShapiroâWilk test was used to test the normality of the distribution of the variables.Meanâ±âstandard deviation (SD) was utilized to evaluate the outcomes of the patient sample.一个pvalueâ<â0.05 was considered for statistical significance. The statistical calculations were also carried out using Python 3.7.For this observational study, the sample size was determined based on the availability of participants meeting inclusion criteria and practical constraints such as time and resources. While acknowledging the convenience-based nature of the sample, efforts were made to ensure representativeness within these limitations.
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G.F. is brain4careâs founder. D.C. is brain4careâs research director. S.B., M.C., and X.H. are scientific advisors for brain4care. The other authors declare no competing interests.
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