

2025-01-28 00:00:00 英文原文

作者:Hannah Mayer Lareina Yee Michael Chui  Roger Roberts




该报告探讨了公司采用AI的技术和业务准备情况(请参阅有关调查的侧边栏 - )。它的结论是,员工已经准备好了AI。成功的最大障碍是领导力。






想象一个世界,机器不仅在进行体力劳动,而且还要思考,学习和做出自主决定。这个世界包括循环中的人类,将人和机器融合在一起,以提高个人生产力和创造力(请参阅侧边栏 - AI超级机构)。这是AI的变革潜力,AI是一种具有潜在影响的技术,即使是过去的最大创新,从印刷出版社到汽车。AI不仅是自动化任务,而且通过自动化认知功能来进一步发展。与以前的任何发明不同,AI驱动的软件可以适应,计划,指导,甚至做出决定。这就是为什么AI可以成为生命几乎各个方面的前所未有的经济增长和社会变化的催化剂。它将重塑我们与技术和彼此之间的互动。


Reid Hoffman,LinkedIn的联合创始人和AII的联合创始人,Greylock Partners的合伙人,作者


在过去的两年中,AI取得了飞跃的进步,并且由于成本较低和获得能力的机会,企业级的采用率加速了。出现了许多著名的AI创新(图1)。例如,我们看到了上下文窗口的快速扩展或LLMS的短期内存。较大的a上下文窗口,LLM可以一次处理的信息越多。为了说明说明,Googleâs的双子座1.5可以在2024年2月处理100万个令牌,而其Gemini 1.5 Pro可能会在同年6月之前处理200万个令牌。4总体而言,我们看到了五项促进下一步影响的业务的大型创新:增强的智力和推理能力,代理AI,多模式,改进的硬件创新和计算能力以及提高透明度。情报和推理正在改善

Gen AI capabilities have evolved rapidly over the past two years.


一个指标是LLM在标准化测试中的性能。openaiâSChat gpt-3.5,于2022年推出,在高中考试中表现出了强劲的表现(例如,在SAT数学上以第70个百分点的成绩和SAT口头级别的第87个百分位数得分)。但是,它通常在更广泛的推理中挣扎。如今的模型接近拥有高级学位的人的情报水平。GPT-4很容易通过统一的律师考试,以至于它将排名前10%的考试者,5它可以在美国医疗许可检查上正确回答90%的问题。6推理能力的出现代表了AI的下一个大型飞跃。

推理增强了复杂决策的能力,从而使模型超越了基本的理解,以至于理解和制定逐步计划以实现目标的能力。对于企业来说,这意味着他们可以微调推理模型并将其与特定领域的知识集成在一起,以更准确地提供可行的见解。诸如OpenAiâ€s o1模型或Google google的Gemini 2.0 Flash思维模式之类的模型能够在其响应中进行推理,这为用户提供了类似人类的互动思想伙伴,而不仅仅是信息检索和合成引擎。7



字母首席执行官Sundar Pichai


软件公司将代理AI功能嵌入其核心产品中。例如,SalesforceâsAgentForce是其现有平台上的一个新层,它使用户可以轻松地构建和部署自主的AI代理,以处理跨工作流程的复杂任务,例如模拟产品启动以及编排营销活动。8Salesforce联合创始人,主席Marc Benioff将其描述为提供了数字劳动力,在这里,人类和自动化的代理商共同努力实现客户成果。9







Reid Hoffman,LinkedIn的联合创始人和AII的联合创始人,Greylock Partners的合伙人,作者







Openai联合创始人兼首席执行官Sam Altman


在我们的调查中,几乎所有员工(94%)和C-Suite领导者(99%)报告对AI代工具的熟悉程度有一定程度的熟悉程度。然而,企业领导者低估了员工使用AI的广泛使用。C-Suite领导人估计,只有4%的员工使用AI至少30%的日常工作,而实际上该百分比是员工自我报告的三倍(图2)。尽管总共只有20%的领导人认为员工在一年内将使用AI的30%以上,但员工相信自己的日常任务(47%)的可能性(47%)的可能性(见Sidebar -谁在工作中使用AI?


Employees are three times more likely to be using gen AI today than their leaders expect.



但是员工没有获得所需的培训和支持。超过第五个报告,他们得到了最少而没有支持的报道(图3)。在美国以外,员工还希望进行更多的培训(请参阅侧边栏 - 对培训的全球视角)。

Employees long for more support and training on gen AI.




许多国际员工担心培训不足,即使他们报告收到的支持比美国员工更多。约有84%的国际员工表示,他们获得了大量或充分的组织支持,以学习AI技能,而不是一半以上的美国员工。国际员工还有更多的机会参与开发AI GEN工具在工作中的工具,而美国的员工在提供反馈,Beta测试和请求特定功能(展览)等活动中的差异至少为十个百分点。


International employees get more encouragement to use gen AI tools.



Millennials aged 35 to 44 are AI optimists, with 90 percent indicating confidence in their gen AI abilities.


Two-thirds of managers regularly act as sounding boards for their teams on gen AI.









Half of business leaders believe the development and release of gen AI tools is too slow in their organizations.



Most C-suite respondents have road maps to guide their gen AI strategies and have begun identifying use cases.



Employees have concerns about gen AI—namely cybersecurity risks, inaccuracies, and data leaks.



Employees trust their employers most for a safe rollout of gen AI.







Half of international C-suite respondents want to be early adopters.





More than a third of C-suite respondents use benchmarks for gen AI, but with less focus on ethical metrics.


即使是在所有三类AI Revelliness,技术,员工和安全方面都表现出色的公司,也不一定会扩展或提供预期的价值。然而,领导人可以利用大野心通过AI改变公司的力量。下一章研究了如何。



斯坦福大学教授埃里克·布林乔夫森(Erik Brynjolfsson),斯坦福大学人工智能研究所(HAI)的数字经济实验室主任

Only 1 percent of C-suite respondents describe their gen AI rollouts as mature.




Companies’ gen AI spend does not match the economic potential in their industries.




There’s a lot of headroom in some functions

Our research finds that the functional areas where AI presents the greatest economic potential are also those where employee outlook is lukewarm. Employees in sales and marketing, software engineering, customer service, and R&D contribute roughly three-quarters of AI’s total economic potential, but the self-reported optimism of employees in these functions is middling (Exhibit 14). It may be the case that these functions have piloted AI projects, leading employees to be more realistic about AI’s benefits and limitations. Or perhaps the economic potential has made them worry that AI could replace their jobs. Whatever the reasons, leaders in these functions might consider investing more in employee support and elevating the change champions who can improve that sentiment.

The employees most optimistic about gen AI do not represent the most economic value potential.

Gen AI has not delivered enterprise-wide ROI, but that can change

Across all industries, surveyed C-level executives report limited returns on enterprise-wide AI investments. Only 19 percent say revenues have increased more than 5 percent, with another 39 percent seeing a moderate increase of 1 to 5 percent, and 36 percent reporting no change (Exhibit 15). And only 23 percent see AI delivering any favorable change in costs.

Gen AI has not yet delivered significant return on investment for enterprises.

Despite this, company leaders are optimistic about the value they can capture in the coming years. A full 87 percent of executives expect revenue growth from gen AI within the next three years, and about half say it could boost revenues by more than 5 percent in that time frame (Exhibit 16). That suggests quite a lot could change for the better over the next few years.

Half of C-suite respondents expect gen AI to deliver more than 5 percent revenue growth in the next three years.



[It] is critical to have a genuinely inspiring vision of the future [with AI] and not just a plan to fight fires.

Dario Amodei, cofounder and CEO of Anthropic

To assess how far along companies are in this shift, we examined three categories of AI applications: personal use, business use, and societal use (see sidebar “AI’s potential to enhance our personal lives”). We mapped over 250 applications from our work and publicly shared examples to understand the spectrum of impact levels, from localized use cases to transformations with more universal impact. Our conclusion? Given that most companies are early in their AI journeys, most AI applications are localized use cases still in the pilot stages (Exhibit 17).

Over the past two years, personal and business gen AI applications have often focused on localized impact.

In many cases, that’s perfectly appropriate. But creating AI applications that can revolutionize industries and create transformative value requires something more. Robotics in manufacturing, predictive AI in renewable energy, drug development in life sciences, and personalized AI tutors in education—these are the kinds of transformative efforts that can drive the greatest returns.17These weren’t created from a reactive mindset. They are the result of inspirational leadership, a unique concept of the future, and a commitment to transformational impact. This is the kind of courage needed to develop AI applications that can revolutionize industries.

It is in [the] collaboration between people and algorithms that incredible scientific progress lies over the next few decades.

Demis Hassabis, cofounder and CEO of Google DeepMind

To truly harness the potential of AI, companies must challenge themselves to envision and implement more breakthrough initiatives. Success in the era of AI hinges not just on technology deployment or employee willingness but also on visionary leadership. The ingredients are here. The technology is already highly capable and rapidly advancing, and employees are more ready than leaders think. Leaders have more permission space than they realize to deploy AI quickly in the workplace. To do so, leaders need to stretch their ambitions toward systematic change, laying the foundation for real competitive differentiation. If they want to be more ambitious about AI, companies must increase the proportion of transformational initiatives in their portfolios. The next chapter examines the headwinds that leaders must overcome—and how they can do so.


AI’s potential to enhance our personal lives

Outside of the business context,individuals are increasingly using AI in their personal lives. In previous research, we analyzed the potential impact of AI across 77 personal activities and across age, gender, and working status in the United States. While individuals have limited desire to automate certain personal activities, including leisure, sleeping, and fitness, the data shows significant opportunity for AI combined with other technologies to help with chores or labor-intensive tasks. Already in 2024, our research identified about an hour of such daily activities with the technical potential to be automated. By 2030, expansion of use cases and continued improvements in AI safety could increase automation potential up to three hours per day. When people use AI-enabled tools—say, an autonomous vehicle for transportation or an interactive personal finance bot—they can repurpose time for personal fulfillment activities or being productive in other ways.

Using human-centric design and tapping into gen AI’s potential for “emotional intelligence” are unlocking new personal AI applications that go beyond basic efficiencies. Individuals are beginning to use conversational and reasoning AI models for counseling, coaching, and creative expression. For example, people are using conversational AI for advice and emotional support or to bring their artistic visions to life with only verbal cues. Further, to the notion that AI superagency will advance society, AI has potential to become a democratizing force, making experiences that were previously expensive or exclusive—such as animation generation, career coaching, or tax advice—available to much wider audiences.

毫无疑问:AI提供了一个罕见且出色的机会。几乎90%的领导者预计,部署AI将在未来三年内推动收入增长。但是,确保增长需要企业转型,并且企业在这一领域的往绩很差。几乎70 percent of transformations fail


Satya Nadella, chairman and CEO of Microsoft


This chapter looks at how leaders can take the reins, recognizing and owning the fact that the AI opportunity requires more than technology implementation. It demands a strategic transformation. There is no denying that companies face a set of AI headwinds. To tackle these challenges, leadership teams will need to commit torewiring their enterprises

The operational headwinds that slow execution

Business adoption of AI faces several operational headwinds. Our interviews and research surfaced five that are most challenging: aligning leadership, addressing cost uncertainty, workforce planning, managing supply chain dependencies, and meeting the demand for explainability.

Leadership alignment is a challenging but critical first step

Securing consensus from senior leaders on a strategy-led gen AI road map is no simple task. The key to meeting this challenge is first recognizing that leadership alignment cannot be oversimplified or assumed. The process requires ongoing engagement from senior leaders across business domains, each of which may have distinct objectives and risk appetites. Together, leaders must clearly define where value lies, how AI will drive this value, and how risk will be mitigated. They must collectively establish metrics for performance evaluation and investment recalibration. To facilitate alignment, they may want to appoint a gen AI value and risk leader or institute an enterprise-wide leadership and orchestration function. These actions can enhance collaboration among business, technology, and risk teams. Although challenging, aligning leadership is a crucial step to ensure that AI projects are not disparate, avoid liability, and deliver transformative business outcomes.

Cost uncertainty makes it difficult for enterprises to predict ROI

Many companies are still determining if they can “take” AI solutions off the shelf from tech vendors or if they need to “shape” and customize them, which can be more costly but brings the potential for greater differentiation from competitors. Additionally, while leaders can budget for AI pilots, the full cost of building and managing AI applications at scale remains uncertain. Planning for a limited pilot is very different from assessing the costs of a mature solution that helps most employees multiple times a day. These factors lead to tough tradeoffs. But to move at the pace of AI, technology leaders must prioritize accelerated decision-making.



Supply chain dependencies can wreak havoc

Fragile supply chains can expose enterprises to disruptions and technical, regulatory, and legal challenges. The AI supply chain is global, with significant R&D concentrated in China, Europe, and North America and with semiconductor and hardware manufacturing concentrated in East Asia and the United States. Today’s geopolitics are complex. Furthermore, models and applications are increasingly created in open-source forums spanning many countries.

Demand for greater explainability is a central challenge

Safe AI deployment is increasingly a must-have.Yet most LLMs are often black boxes that do not reveal why or how they came to a certain response, nor what data was used to make it.If AI models cannot provide clear justifications for their responses, recommendations, decisions, or actions—showing the specific factors that led to a credit card application denial, for example—they will not be trusted for critical tasks。

These AI-specific headwinds are formidable but addressable. Companies are pushing ahead. For example, they might use dynamic cost planning or look at procuring NVIDIA clusters to secure the infrastructure they expect to need.18Chief HR officers (CHROs) are developing training programs to upskill their current workforces and support some employees in job transitions. But lasting success will take more than that.

To capture AI value, leaders must rewire their companies

McKinsey’sRewired framework includes six foundational elements to guide sustained digital transformation: road map, talent, operating model, technology, data, and scaling (Exhibit 18). When companies implement this playbook successfully, they cultivate a culture of autonomy, leverage modern cloud practices, and assemble multidisciplinary agile teams.

Six enduring success factors enable tech-business transformations.

While these six elements are universally applicable, AI has introduced a few important wrinkles for leaders to address:

  • 适应性。AI technology is advancing so rapidly that organizations must adopt new best practices quickly to stay ahead of the competition. Best practices may come in the form of new technologies, talent, business models, or products. For example, a modular approach helps future-proof tech stacks. As natural language becomes a medium for integration, AI systems are becoming more compatible, allowing businesses to swap, upgrade, and integrate models and tools with less friction. This modularity allows enterprises to avoid vendor lock-in and put new AI advancements to use quickly without constantly reinventing their tech stacks.
  • Federated governance models.管理数据和模型可以使团队自主权在集中控制风险的同时开发新的AI工具。领导者可以直接监督高风险或高可见性问题,例如制定政策和流程,以监视模型和输出以公正,安全性和解释性。但是他们可以将方向设置为业务部门,并将其他监控委托给业务部门,包括测量基于绩效的标准,例如准确性,速度和可扩展性。
  • Budget agility.Given technological advances across models, as well as the opportunity to curate an optimal mix of LLMs, small language models (SLMs), and agents, business leaders should keep their budgets flexible. This helps enterprises optimize their AI deployments simultaneously for costs and performance.
  • AI benchmarks.这些工具可以用作定量评估,比较和改善不同AI模型,算法和系统的性能的强大手段。If technologists come together to adopt standardized public benchmarks—and if more C-level executives start employing benchmarks, including ethical ones—model transparency and accountability will improve and AI adoption will increase, even among more skeptical employees。
  • AI-specific skill gaps.Notably, 46 percent of leaders identify skill gaps in their workforces as a significant barrier to AI adoption. Leaders will need to attract and hire top-level talent, including AI/ML engineers, data scientists, and AI integration specialists. They will also need to commit to creating an environment that is attractive to technologists. For example, this can mean providing them with plenty of time to experiment, offering access to cutting-edge tools, creating opportunities to engage in open-source communities, and promoting a collaborative engineering culture. Upskilling existing employees is just as critical:研究 from McKinsey’s People and Organizational Performance Practice underscores the importance of tailoring training to specific roles, such as offering technical team members bootcamps on library creation while offering prompt engineering classes to specific functional teams.19Upskilling and reskilling priorities for the gen AI era," blog entry by Sandra Durth, Kiera Jones, Lisa Christensen, and Naveed Rashid, McKinsey, September 30, 2024.
  • Human centricity.To guarantee both fairness and impartiality, it is important that business leaders incorporate diverse perspectives early and often in the AI development process and maintain transparent communication with their teams. As it stands, less than half of C-suite leaders (48 percent) say they would involve nontechnical employees in the early development stages of AI tools, specifically ideation and requirement gathering. Agile pods and human-centric development practices such as design-thinking and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) will help leaders and developers create AI solutions that全部people want to use. In agile pods, technical team members sit alongside employees from business functions such as HR, sales, and product, and from support functions such as legal and compliance. Further, leaders can empathize with employees’ uneasiness about AI’s impacts on potential job losses by being honest about new skill requirements and head count changes. Forums where employees can provide input on AI applications, voice concerns, and share ideas are valuable for maintaining a transparent, human-first culture.在过去两年中,AI的进步速度令人惊叹。

有些人将AI视为对人类的挑战,以应对这一速度。But what if we take the advice of Reid Hoffman and imagine what could possibly go正确的with AI?领导者可能会意识到,在工作场所中,所有碎片都可以实现AI超级机构。


Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist

They might notice that their employees are already using AI and want to use it even more. They may find that millennial managers are powerful change champions ready to encourage their peers. Instead of focusing on the 92 million jobs expected to be displaced by 2030, leaders could plan for the projected 170 million new ones and the new skills those will require.20这是领导者通过在职培训和以人为中心发展的方式确定大胆的AI承诺并满足员工需求的时刻。

As leaders and employees work together to reimagine their businesses from the bottom up, AI can evolve from a productivity enhancer into a transformative superpower—an effective partner that increases human agency.可以通过对可能性的想象取代对不确定性的恐惧的领导者将发现AI的新应用,不仅是优化现有工作流程的工具,而且还可以作为解决更大的业务和人类挑战的催化剂。AI实验的早期阶段着重于通过狭窄用例(例如自动执行常规任务)证明技术可行性。现在的地平线已经转移:AI准备解锁前所未有的创新并推动实现实际价值的系统变化。

To meet this more ambitious era, leaders and employees must ask themselves big questions. How should leaders define their strategic priorities and steer their companies effectively amid disruption? How can employees ensure they are ready for the AI transition coming to their workplaces? Questions like the following ones will shape a company’s AI future:

For business leaders:

  • Is your strategy ambitious enough? Do you want to transform your whole business? How can you reimagine traditional cost centers as value-driven functions? How do you gain a competitive advantage by investing in AI?
  • What does successful AI adoption look like for your organization?What success indicators will you use to evaluate whether your investments are yielding desired ROI?
  • What skills define an AI-native workforce?How can you create opportunities for employees to develop these skills on the job?

For employees:

  • What does achieving AI mastery mean for you?Does it extend to confidently using AI for personal productivity tasks such as research, planning, and brainstorming?
  • How do you plan to expand your understanding of AI?Which news sources, podcasts, and video channels can you follow to remain informed about the rapid evolution of AI?
  • How can you rethink your own work?Some of the most innovative ideas often emerge from within teams, rather than being handed down from leadership. How would you redesign your work to drive bottom-up innovation?


随着公司寻求从AI飞行员转变为AI成熟度,这类行动至关重要。今天,只有1%的商业领导者报告说他们的公司已经到期。在接下来的三年中,随着技术对技术的增长的增长,领导者必须推动这一百分比上升。They should make the most of their employees’ readiness to increase the pace of AI implementation while ensuring trust, safety, and transparency.目标很简单:捕获AI代推动创新并创造实际业务价值的巨大潜力。





在过去的两年中,AI的快速发展对企业和员工都产生了重大影响。尽管有些人以忧虑看待这种进步,但其他人则将其视为变革性变革的机会。现在,领导者必须采取大胆的步骤将AI整合到其组织中,不仅是为了提高生产力,而且要推动大量创新。###业务领导者的关键策略1。**设定雄心勃勃的目标:** - 为AI采用的明确而雄心勃勃的策略定义了超越渐进的改进。 - 考虑AI如何将传统的成本中心转变为价值驱动的功能。 - 确定AI投资可以提供竞争优势的领域。2。**定义成功指标:** - 建立特定指标来衡量您的AI计划的成功,以确保它们与更广泛的业务目标保持一致。 - 监视ROI并评估您的AI项目是否正在提供所需的结果。3。 - 确定配备AI功能的现代劳动力所需的技能。 - 为员工创造机会通过在职培训,黑客马拉松和学习课程来发展这些技能。###商业领袖的问题 - 我们可以采取哪些具体步骤使用AI来改变我们的组织? - 我们将如何衡量以AI驱动创新为主导的时代的成功?###员工的关键策略1。**通过AI实现精通:** - 拥抱使用AI工具来实现个人生产力,包括研究,计划和头脑风暴。 - 不断更新您的技能,以保持竞争力和适应能力。2。**扩大您的理解:** - 通过可靠的来源(例如新闻媒体,播客和视频频道)了解AI中最新的发展。 - 与社区和论坛互动,向同龄人和专家学习。3。**在团队中进行创新:** - 通过重新思考团队中的角色来鼓励自下而上的创新。 - 提出新的想法,以利用AI来改善流程并解决复杂的问题。###员工的问题 - 如何成为有效使用AI工具的专家? - 我将采取哪些步骤来了解最新的AI趋势?###从飞行员转变为成熟要从实验飞行员过渡到全尺度到期,公司需要一种平衡的方法:1。**自下而上的计划:** - 鼓励员工通过黑客马拉松和讲习班对AI进行试验。 - 培养一种持续学习和创新的文化。2。**自上而下的策略:** - 让高管参与有关AI如何彻底改变欺诈管理,客户体验和产品测试等关键过程的高级讨论。 - 将这些策略与更广泛的业务目标保持一致,以确保领导才能保持一致和支持。###确保信任,安全和透明度随着公司朝着更高的AI成熟度发展: - **信任:**通过对AI采用的收益和潜在风险透明,建立员工之间的信任。 - **安全:**采取强大的安全措施来保护数据隐私并防止滥用AI技术。 - **透明度:**保持开放的沟通渠道,员工可以表达疑虑,提供反馈并分享想法。### 结论业务的未来在于利用生成AI的力量推动创新并创造重要的价值。通过设定雄心勃勃的目标,培养持续学习的文化,并平衡自上而下的策略与自下而上的举措,领导者和员工可以共同努力以解开AI的全部潜力。正如阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)曾经说过的那样:“从昨天开始学习,今天生活,希望明天。”拥抱AI带来,改变您的组织并推动有意义的变化的可能性。