

2025-02-16 01:51:02 英文原文

作者:Carucci, John A.



确定诊断时预后不良的患者可能具有挑战性。常用的CSCC分期系统包括美国癌症分期手册联合委员会第8版(AJCC 8)13,,,,14以及杨百翰和妇女医院(BWH)登台系统。AJCC 8系统利用以下因素进行CSCC肿瘤(T)分期:肿瘤大小,深层侵袭,周围性侵袭(PNI)或骨入侵的证据。BWH分期模型包括肿瘤大小,分化差,PNI,皮下脂肪以外的延伸,并根据存在的高风险特征分配T级。虽然大多数POS发生在高阶段肿瘤(BWH T2B和AJCC 8 T3及以上)中,但25%的POS仍出现在低阶段肿瘤中,尤其是T2A/T2,突出了结局的异质性,并且与风险分层的困难伴随着困难特定子集15。因此,即使在较低阶段肿瘤中,预测有差预后的患者的预测也必须在工作,治疗,术后监测和辅助治疗的早期实施方面影响管理16,,,,17。重要的是,在文献中,识别哪些患者可能有POS的风险是在此低阶段亚组中的确定性,并且仍在紧急研究中。



figure 1

首先将玻片以0.5 um/Pixel(相当于20不的放大倍数)为224 − 224像素的较小图像。b这些瓷砖的一部分被用来训练自我监督的巴洛 - 双wins架构。c一旦受过训练,将三个队列中的所有瓷砖都投射到受过训练的网络上,以提取其瓷砖向量表示z,这是每个图像的128向量编码。d然后使用莱顿方法过度聚类这些矢量表示,以获取均匀的簇(称为组织形态表型簇,HPC),并在视觉上识别从组织表示中识别伪影。在瓷砖矢量表示z的umap中,每个点代表一个瓷砖,每种颜色a不同的hpc。e从研究中除去了属于高度富集在伪影中的HPC的瓷砖。f然后,清洁的数据集将经过更详细的分析,并进行新的莱顿聚类。清洁瓷砖矢量表示的UMAP z显示了26个HPC,对应于26组自识别表型,以及与面板中示例幻灯片相对应的前5个簇的代表瓷砖(c)。g然后,可以使用所得的HPC来生成显示简化的幻灯片表示的热图,并进行了分析,以确定由自我监督的方法和患者结果确定的表型之间的潜在相关性。在这里,与面板中的示例幻灯片部分相对应的热图(一个显示),前5个簇编号,并与面板中的群集相对应(f)。莱因哈德(Reinhard)的颜色标准化后,所有瓷砖均显示47



从三个机构中收集了167名用作开发队列的患者的载玻片(补充表1,补充图。1a):纽约大学(纽约大学),加利福尼亚大学旧金山大学(UCSF)和Brigham and妇女医院(BWH),以及有关患者是否发展好还是不良结果的临床信息(请参阅方法部分,以及补充部分如图。2)。作为外部队列,从Salamanca(CAUSA)的Complejo Asistencial Universitario Universiatrio consitario de Salamanca(CAUSA)和410名来自亚利桑那州Mayo诊所(Mayo)的患者收到了153例患者的幻灯片。


遵循方法部分中解释的策略,以减少过度拟合,我们冻结了与分辨率râ= 0.75相对应的莱顿群集配置,从而使数据集将数据集分为26 hpcs(图。2a)。PAGA(基于分区的图形抽象)表示(图。2b)说明如何在图和相应UMAP的顶部和相应UMAP的簇(图2C)似乎更丰富与预后不良风险相关的瓷砖。正如预期的那样,在选定的分辨率下,表型的比例不同,而HPC的相对大小差异很大(补充图。3a,,,,4a,,,,5a)。但是,我们可以看到患者的代表性很好,并且在大多数患者中,许多表型都在各种程度上存在(补充无花果。3b,,,,4b,,,,5b),除HPC 25外,对不同机构的代表性进行了类似的观察(补充图。3C,,,,4b,,,,5b,,,,6b)。

figure 2

UMAP与26个Leiden群集在分辨率为0.75处发现。b带有节点连接的莱顿群集的PAGA表示。节点的大小与瓷砖的数量成正比,其颜色与与良好/良好结果患者相关的瓷砖的比例成正比。cUMAP带有颜色显示与良好/不良结果患者相关的瓷砖(绿色/橙色)。每个点都是瓷砖。d比较了对RFS开发队列的RF(NYU+UCSF)和外部队列(CAUSA,Mayo)的RF的预测的单变量分析(3倍交叉验证的平均值)。C-索引低于0.5(绿色),表明预后差的风险较低,而C索引高于0.5(橙色)表示预后不良的风险较高。e面板C的详细信息对于两个簇C的详细信息,其中开发队列和外部队列显示出相同的趋势(参见补充图。6对于所有集群)。错误条显示置信区间。fHPC的PAGA的投影显示了开发队列的交叉验证和外部队列的相干趋势。g使用COX回归,开发队列(NYU+UCSF)对无监督HPL方法的预测高风险患者的Kaplan Meier曲线,其无监督HPL方法的结果很差。第一行是使用整个数据集计算的,而第二和第三则仅显示阶段T2A(BWH分期)和T2(AJCC分期)的患者子集。误差线显示95%置信区间(CI)。括号之间显示了95%的危险比(LOGRANK)。在整个数据集中计算的中位价值用于从高风险患者中划分。h与G相同,但使用蛋黄酱作为测试队列。与G相同,但使用CAUSA作为测试队列。使用HPL管道,可以通过每个HPC中包含的图块的百分比来描述每个患者,这又可以用作回归模型的输入,以估计HPC结果预测能力。

为了评估莱顿聚类对预测结果预测的可变性和影响,我们还进行了三倍的交叉验证对数回归,用于差与良好结果的二元分类(补充图。6d)和用于生存预测分析的COX回归(补充图。6e)各种决议。我们观察到上面选择的Râ= 0.75的分辨率也允许在两种方法中成功预测,同时防止过度拟合。




作为比较,我们培训了监督网络Inception V3,该网络依赖于选定的标记区域。通过APERIO的ImageScope接口,通过三个董事会认证的MOHS显微镜外科医生(M.C.,S.R.J,R.W。)和一名高级皮肤病学居民(M.J.)进行了基于共识协议的手动自由文本注释。如果所有审阅者都同意注释功能,则达成共识。我们遵循Johannet等人类似使用的管道。22在研究黑色素瘤中。在这里,我们首先训练了算法(补充图。8c,e,补充表2,,,,3)确定手动注释的区域(正常皮肤,原位鳞状细胞癌,侵入性的鳞状细胞癌,其他和伪影)。其他组的注释包括真皮,脂肪,腺组织,平滑肌,软骨,炎症性浸润以及正骨和过度高核的存在。人工制品注释包括负空白空间,气泡或笔标记。其次,我们检查了选定的区域(侵入性CSCC)还是一组感兴趣的区域(正常,原位,侵入性)可以用于预测二进制结果(补充图。8d,f)。这种有监督的方法在侵入性CSCC上实现了AUC = 0.675的性能,而开发队列的感兴趣区域(正常,原位和侵入性组合)的表现为0.671。在CAUSA和Mayo测试队列上,它分别在入侵CSCC上分别实现了AUC = 0.576和0.711的性能,并且在利息区域内分别实现了AUC = 0.598和0.598和0.726。除了执行比自学方法稍差(补充图)。9以及补充表中的更多指标4,,,,5),这两步方法依赖于手动注释,应从其进行预测的区域的选择,以及直接解释模型如何做出决定或使用哪些表型子集的区域的选择。这三个瓶颈都是由下一部分所述的自我监督方法来解决的。

更有趣的是,在可用DFS数据的两个数据集的情况下,我们执行了COX回归,并获得了Harrell的C-Index 0.73(0.72 UNO的C-Index)和DFS预测p - 交叉验证队列上的2.2e-4值(图。2G),Harrell的C索引为0.84(0.83 UNO的C-INDEX),并且p-Mayo队列上的Valueâ<0.0001(图。2H),Harrell的C-Index为0.62(0.62 Uno的C-Index)和p-CAUSA队列上的2.4e 2值(图。2i)。森林情节(补充图。10a)和形状图(补充图。10b计算)以解释不同HPC对该预测的贡献,并了解哪些表型会影响模型的预测。预计,单变量方法确定的大多数HPC在这种多变量方法中似乎也相关。在BWH T2A和AJCC-8 T2肿瘤的一部分中,这种方法在区分较差与良好结果方面特别有效(图。2g i),目前面临重大结果异质性,因此使预后挑战。请注意,卡普兰·梅尔(Kaplan)绘制了从监督分类器产生的不良结果概率中推断出的总体表现较低的表现(补充图。11,,,,12)。这种自我监督的方法可能有可能解决由于AJCC T2和BWH T2A组中相对缺乏结果均匀性引起的当前分期系统的差距。



figure 3



figure 4


figure 5


在图中4a我们显示了从HPC中随机选择的瓷砖对C-Index的影响最高,以预测PO的较高风险,而在图中。4b,c,PO患者的三个热图显示了投影在WSI部分的HPC组合物。对于图2的患者。4b例如,肿瘤在10.5个月后复发,其相关的WSI在HPCS 1、6和20中表现出很高的富集,后两个具有较高的外形log危险比值同义,而PO的风险较高。HPC 6显示出丝分裂分化不佳的角质形成细胞的深度侵袭。HPC 20显示出与有丝分裂的分化差和多态性角质形成细胞,HPC 1类似地表现出分化差的角质形成细胞,在先前的研究中已显示出与POS相关的研究,例如局部复发,例如38

图中的WSI。4C显示了HPCS 0、1、5、6和13的高度存在,后2显示了高外形log危险比值。HPC 13显示了一些多形特征以及深度浸润的肿瘤细胞,其中一种与POS相关的特征。类似地,HPC 6表现出深层侵袭,分化差和显着的非典型性,这些因素被认为有助于POS38。我们的研究产生的塑造决策图表明,某些HPC的瓷砖的富集或耗尽如何使肿瘤在手术后不久重现的患者重新决定(LR,图,图。4b)和患者在手术后46个月反复出现(NM,图。4C)。

在图中5a我们显示了对HPC的随机选择的瓷砖,对C-Index的影响最高,以预测PO的低风险。在图中5b,分析显示,通过检查属于给定HPC的每个瓷砖,HPC与其相邻瓷砖相关的HPC群体倾向于在幻灯片上相邻。两组HPC被确定为较低的PO风险被认为具有相对较高的相互作用:HPCS 7、12和16是一组,HPC 3、8和24与另一组相互作用。所有这些HPC的共同点是存在良好的角质形成细胞和缺乏异型或多态性的存在,这对于具有良好结局的肿瘤有望。在图中5C,d,我们显示了与两名患者相关的幻灯片,他们在没有疾病的情况下进行了三年以上。这些幻灯片显示了图中看到的HPC 3、8和24的存在。5b,以及HPCS 7、12和16。同样,良好的分化,缺乏多态性和相对非特异性的高性病特征可以归因于这些发现。


开发和测试集之间的其他差异和潜在的混杂因素是活检的类型和解剖部位的来源。虽然NYU队列的切除片与剃须活检的幻灯片几乎一样多,但CAUSA测试队列仅由宽阔的局部切除组成,另一方面,蛋黄酱队列主要由剃须活检(补充表占主导地位)1)。我们注意到,大多数HPC都包含来自所有类型制剂的瓷砖(补充图2。3e,,,,4d)。在一些罕见的HPC中,切除和活检之间的瓷砖相对比例的变化更大(补充图。3D,,,,4C):例如,位于PAGA图的左上方并包含皮下脂肪/组织的HPCS 1和13在剃须活检中相对较少比切除,这是一致的,考虑到剃须样品的深度比样品的深度更薄通常是全厚的切口。虽然生存预测管道似乎在Mayo队列的剃须和切除活检中表现良好(补充图。17a c),我们不能排除,在较大的训练集中,活检类型的特定COX回归方法将导致更好的性能,特别是对于像CAUSA队列中使用的那样广泛的本地切除标本。最后,由于解剖部位与可用的患者数量相比,解剖部位是如此多样化,因此有关潜在偏见的结论更难得出,但是我们也注意到大多数HPC至少包含来自大多数站点的至少几个瓷砖(补充无花果。3f,G,4e,f,5光盘)。在此阶段,我们没有发现组织源对生存预测的任何两种影响,尽管需要较大的每个源组群体(补充图。17d, e)。


In this study, we demonstrate that the self-supervised approach of HPL can be successfully applied to analyze sets of cSCC WSIs from initial biopsy samples from different institutions, grouping in a coherent manner a variety of histopathological features linked to good and POs. The ability to obtain prognostic information from biopsy slides alone is significant as it may guide clinical decision making regarding treatment and surveillance of patients with potential PO. The HPCs identified were used to predict the good versus poor outcome with an area under the curve (AUC) of ~0.7 and the disease-free survival (DFS) with a c-index of 0.73 (p-value = 2.2e−4) on the cross-validation of the development cohort, and AUC ~ 0.58–0.73 and c-index~0.62–0.84 on the test cohorts. The performance remains compelling in a subset of AJCC-8 T2 and BWH T2a tumors (c-indexes of 0.85 and 0.71, respectively, on the cross-validation cohort; 0.96 and 0.75, respectively, on the Mayo cohort; and 0.56 for the BWH T2a on the CAUSA cohort). The performance achieved here can also be placed in the context of other methods to which it could be potentially combined to further refine the precision of the outcome. For example, Zhao et al.19showed that protein expression of AXIN2 and SNAIL have a c-index of 0.69 in predicting recurrence-free survival, and that, although their available clinicopathological data alone had little prediction power (c-index of 0.40), the c-index was increased to 0.75 when combining clinicopathological with the protein expression. Using supervised deep-learning architectures, few studies have explored the predictability of cSCC from WSIs, all of which were unable to pinpoint which features were used by the algorithm to make the decision. Focusing on prediction of metastasis in a cohort of 104 patients harboring cSCC, Knuutila et al.25achieved AUCs within 0.629–0.689, performing better (AUC = 0.747) when restricting the study to those that recurred rapidly (within 180 days). This study was done using either the whole slide or tumor regions manually annotated by pathologists. On the other hand, using two cohorts of 54 melanoma patients, Comes et al.24achieved AUCs = 0.667–0.695 in predicting the one-year disease free survival using regions of interest manually pre-selected by pathologists. In addition to its performance, the advantages of the HPL pipeline, initially developed on lung cancer29, is that its training is self-supervised and does not require any manual pre-annotations. Furthermore, it provides an additional layer of interpretation highlighting which phenotypes weighed in favor of higher or lower risk prediction.In our study we found that enrichment in HPCs 3 and 8 correlated with a prediction of good outcome from cSCC. Both HPCs demonstrate well-differentiated keratinocytes, lack of atypia or pleomorphism, and the relatively non-specific presence of hyperkeratosis. Alternatively, enrichment in HPCs 7 and 16, which feature well-differentiated cells and lacked pleomorphism, deep invasion, or significant atypia, also correlated, to a lesser extent towards a lower risk of PO. Additionally, among the HPCs identified that correlated with higher risk of PO, the two major phenotypes identified were severe pleomorphism with poor differentiation and deep invasion. This result is consistent not only with previous studies but also with the current BWH and AJCC-8 staging systems

38。In a recent meta analysis, Zakhem et al.revealed that tumors with invasion beyond the subcutaneous fat were associated with a statistically significant risk of LR and DSD39,,,,40,,,,41。Moreover, ulcerated tumors, poorly differentiated tumors, PNI, lymphovascular invasion, desmoplastic stroma and immunosuppression are all significantly associated with POs38,,,,42。These attributes have been defined as key defining features of aggressive behavior by cSCC and some are considered in staging.It is for this reason that the ability of our machine learning algorithm to detect these features, at time of biopsy, is significant.Our system may offer a standardized method for feature identification given the potential for inherent inter-reader variability in identification of high risk histopathologic features by dermatopathologists.Poor differentiation and invasion beyond the subcutaneous fat have been associated with an increased risk of metastasis43。More interestingly, the different clusters identified in this study and their association with certain types of outcomes are located in well-defined and coherently connected regions of the UMAP and of the PAGA graphs (Fig.6a, b)。The two sets of HPCs associated with good outcome (HPCs 3, 8 and 24 as one group, and 7, 12 and 16 on the other) and identified as having high numbers of interactions on the slides are each connected in the PAGA and located on the lower right side of the UMAP.On the other hand, the top side of the UMAP is dominated by HPCs associated with POs.

Fig. 6: Specific HPCs are correlated with poor outcome.一个
figure 6

,,,,bProjection on the UMAP and PAGA graph of the HPCs associated with high and low risk of poor outcome.cUltimately, we anticipate such a deep-learning tool, which identifies patients at higher risk with poor outcome and provides histomorphological interpretability, could assist treating physicians in making decisions on an increased post-operative follow-up and management strategy.控制板 (c) created with biorender.com.In this study, we uniquely used a self-supervised learning followed by community-based clustering to predict cSCC-free survival, while describing the phenotypes of the clusters weighing the most in these findings. Predictive clusters for PO included those with poor differentiation whereas lack thereof, enrichment in non-specific hyperkeratosis without atypia tended to favor prediction of good prognosis. Importantly, we demonstrate significant potential to optimize clinical decision-making in that this approach is particularly efficient at differentiating PO risk in low stage tumors (BWH T2a and AJCC-8 T2 tumors). This addresses a large gap in the literature relating to outcome homogeneity between low stage tumors (BWH T2a and AJCC T2) given that ~25% of POs occur in low stage tumors

15。Gupta等。previously evaluated risk factors for poor outcomes in stage T2a cSCC and identified a predictive model for those at risk of poor outcomes using major and minor criteria with high specificity (97.4%) but low sensitivity (7.7%) (15).Thus, while this model is highly accurate at identifying tumors without poor outcomes, it does not perform as well at identifying tumors that will develop poor outcomes.Additionally, this study was not externally validated.While direct comparison of these models is outside the scope of this study, we hope that our findings may add to the literature demonstrating an adjunctive method for accurately identifying patients at risk for poor outcome on an externally validated cohort.Overall, we believe incorporation of these data along with existing clinical information may augment identification of highest risk patients and would allow for rationally based, focused clinical follow up that may lead to the development of algorithms for further imaging and work up.

Our results suggest that prognostication of cSSC can benefit from self-supervised learning to not only assist clinicians in predicting outcomes but also highlight histomorphological patterns associated with these outcomes.These findings play a significant role in patient care, as prognostic information from initial biopsy slides alone may guide clinical decision making with regard to diagnostic workup, treatment and surveillance of patients with high risk for PO.Clinicians may use the information gained from self-supervised learning as an adjunct in clinical decision making and assigning pre-test probabilities for patients that might be at higher risk for PO and benefit from further workup and management.(如图。6c)。For example, patients identified at high-risk may be deemed appropriate for pre-operative imaging, more frequent follow up or removal of a primary tumor with complete margin control and enhanced pathologic staging provided by Mohs micrographic surgery44,,,,45

Development of, and access to, large datasets will be crucial to further validate and expand the current study. Ultimately, the ability to assess the risk of PO at time of initial diagnosis could provide the basis to establish and test diagnostic and therapeutic protocols that could ultimately optimize clinical outcome.



The NYU study number is 20-01740 and is classified as non-human research, therefore was not subject to IRB review at NYU. UCSF received approval for expedited IRB review (protocol #21-34087) and BWH (protocol# 2021P000701). The cohort from the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca was approved by the local IRB. The cohort from the Mayo Clinic was subject to IRB review (ID #21-012833, from Clinicopathologic and Multi-Omic Stratification of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma).


Datasets of shave or punch biopsy specimens were collected from three institutions each with separate IRB approval processes (Supplementary Table1, Supplementary Fig.1a): 119 slides from 42 patients were collected at New York University (NYU), 95 slides from 95 patients were collected at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and 40 slides from 40 patients were collected at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH). For cases at NYU, multiple slides from a single lesion were analyzed per patient. For slides from BWH and UCSF, single slides of the highest yield resolution were obtained for ease of logistical coordination between sites. Due to lack of information or poor slide quality (e.g., out of focus), fourteen slides were removed from the study (Supplementary Fig.2)。We therefore ended up including slides from 163 patients diagnosed with cSCC on initial biopsy who developed good or poor outcomes (NYU: 38 patients,n = 31 and 7, respectively; UCSF: 85 patients,n = 58 and 27, respectively; BWH: 40 patients,n = 20 and 20, respectively). The size of the training cohort was determined by the samples available in the institutions selected to compose the training cohort, and due to the limited amount available, it was determined by sample size calculation approaches. To benefit from the best resolution available, whole slide images were scanned on an Aperio AT2 scanner and captured at 0.25 um/pixel at 40 X using JPEG2000 compression and stored as a svs pyramidal file.De-identified slides from other collaborating institutions were sent to NYU Langone Health’s Dermatologic Surgery & Cosmetic Associates Office. The scanned images did not contain any patient information. De-identified samples were simply classified as good versus POs. All de-identified physical slides were stored at NYU Langone Health’s Dermatologic Surgery & Cosmetic Associates Office until the analysis was complete. Upon completion of analysis, the slides were returned to the original institution.Adult patients 18–89 years old with existing slides of biopsy proven cSCC obtained prior to January 1, 2021 were included. Patients were excluded if they were outside the specified age range and had no histological confirmation of cSCC. Patients treated at NYU Langone Health’s Dermatologic Surgery & Cosmetic Associates Office were identified for inclusion by a NYULH study team member based on the above inclusion and exclusion criteria above. Patients at NYU were identified using retrospective chart review of those with poor outcome, and thereon manual review of slides were performed to select those with the best slide quality. Patients treated at collaborating institutions were identified by individuals at those institutions based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Patients were classified as having a PO if the tumor was successfully treated but the tumor came back at any time in the future, either in the form of local recurrence (LR), nodal metastasis (NM), distant metastasis (DM) or if the patient had a disease-specific death (DSD). Otherwise, if no tumor was detected at subsequent visits, the patients were classified as having a good outcome. In total, 119 patients were associated with good outcomes and 44 with POs. For UCSF and NYU, the times to LR, NM, DM or DSD were also available, giving further granularity into the disease-free survival (DFS) analysis. However, this data was not available for the BWH cohort.

In addition, two external cohorts were obtained (Supplementary Table


): 156 slides from 153 patients (112 good outcome, 41 poor outcome) from the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca (CAUSA) scanned with MoticEasyScan One (Motic, Hong Kong) and 411 slides from 410 patients (455 good outcome, 55 poor outcome) from the Mayo Clinic (Mayo) scanned with a Leica’s GT450 scanner (Leica Biosystems).

Self-supervised-based analysisThe self-supervised-based study was based on the Histomorphological Phenotype Learning (HPL) through self-supervised learning and community detection pipeline developed by Quiros et al.29

and summarized as follows and in Fig.

1(and Supplementary Fig.1)。Using the DeepPATH tools46, images from the 3 datasets were first tiled (removing those where the background covers more than 75% of the tile, and applying color normalizing using the Reinhard’s method47), and converted to a h5 file such as each tile fed to the self-supervised pipeline has a field of view of 224 ×224 pixels at a pixel size of about 0.5 um (corresponding to a magnification of 20×, Fig.1a)。The 2,069,052 resulting tiles were split such that 40% of the tiles from each dataset were combined and used to train the self-supervised Barlow-Twins algorithm based network37(如图。1B)。After training (Supplementary Fig.6a), all the tiles were projected into the 128 dimensionztile representation vector of the trained network (Fig.1C) and are represented by UMAPs48and PAGA49in this manuscript (Fig.1d)。As a filtering step, a first Leiden clustering50was achieved using a resolution of 7 in order to obtain a large (n = 136) number of Histomorphological Phenotype Clusters (HPCs) and over-cluster and increase the chance of having homogeneous HPCs. Those HPCs were visually inspected to identify those containing artifacts (air bubbles, blurring, dust, etc. Fig.1d), with the goal to remove from the rest of study the tiles from HPCs representing artifacts. We identified 9 clusters containing artifacts which were removed from the dataset. Those artifacts are all contained within regions protruding from the rest of the UMAP (Fig.1e), and were exclusively artifacts without any underlying tissue. The resulting 1,998,932 tiles were then used for the rest of the study. Next, another round of Leiden clustering was applied to the remaining tiles (Fig.1f), and each HPC was mapped back to the slide of each patient (Fig.1G)。Each patient is therefore described by a patient vector representation which is embedded in the percentage of tiles associated with each HPC.

Considering the small development dataset, the analyses were done using a 3-fold cross-validation approach to study the variability of the approach while allowing each set to have enough samples. In each fold, a different third was used as a test set, while the remaining tiles are split between training (80%) and validation (20%). To ensure representativity and proper split, folds were generated randomly with a single constraint on the RFS to ensure each train and test sets have similar Kaplan–Meier profiles. After Leiden clustering, each whole slide image (WSI) can be represented by a codebar called a WSI vector representation which describes the distribution of tiles in each HPC. When a patient has more than one slide available, those can also be aggregated into a “patient vector representation”. Logistic and/or Cox proportional hazards regressions have been run using the patient vector representations from the training sets, and evaluated using the validation and test sets left. Similar to the previous study on lung cancer29, the performance was analyzed on a set of cluster configurations via n-fold cross validation to estimate variability at a given Leiden resolution, the Wald test being used to measure the significance on each regression and using Fischer’s method to combine thep-values. Once done, we locked down a fold for further analysis.As the resolution parameter r of the Leiden clustering algorithm is increased, the UMAP appears as split into more HPCs (Supplementary Fig.

6c, green curve). However, as the number of HPC increases and gets smaller, in terms of average number of tiles, the risk of obtaining institution or patient-specific clusters increases (Supplementary Fig.6c, purple and cyan curves), which would be a sign of over-fitting. Indeed, increasing the number of clusters too much increases the risk of detecting features which are patient or institution specific (which may be caused by the fact that the 3 cohorts were stained in 3 different institutions and scanned on 2 different scanners, or may be related to some other phenotypes specific to natural variations between individuals). However, we are interested in finding common patterns across the three institutions, with enough meaningful (or compact) clusters to describe the diversity of common patterns found in this disease. Therefore, to select the best Leiden cluster resolution for the subsequent analysis of the HPCs, we checked, for each resolution: 1- the average patient and institution presence in HPCs (see details below); 2- the performance of the binary classifier (good versus poor outcome) via the AUC (Area Under the receiver operating Curve) of the logistic regression approach; 3- the performance of the Cox Regression for survival prediction. The average patient presence (Supplementary Fig.6c) is defined as the average percentage of patients present in the HPCs at a given resolution, either counting all patients even if only 1 of their tiles belong to a certain HPC, or using a 1% threshold. Similarly, the institution presence (Supplementary Fig.6c) is defined as the average percentage of institutions present in the HPCs at a given resolution, either counting all institutions, or only counting those with at least 1% of their tiles associated with a given HPC. Despite the small size of our cohort and limited number of institutions involved, it allows us to get a sense of the potential generalization of the study, and these averages will tend to get smaller as the HPCs become more patient or institution specific. We notice that at resolutions higher than r = 0.75, these averages decrease, showing that more HPCs become specific and less generalizable across patients and institutions.Binary classification between good and poor outcome was done using all three development samples, while survival analysis data was only available for the NYU and UCSF datasets. Those analyses were done using a three-fold cross validation approach (Supplementary Fig.6d, e), using folds consistent with those used for Leiden cluster determination to study report influence on variations between different Leiden clustering runs (Supplementary Fig.

2)。The logistic and cox regressions were done following the approach detailed in Quiros et al.29Briefly, WSI vector representations were built for each patient to describe the percentage of tiles associated with each HPC, and center log-ratio transformation was applied to use those in linear models.A three fold cross-validation analysis was performed such as, for each fold, one third of the patients is used as a test set, and the rest is used for the training/validation process.For each fold, the regressions were fit using the training set and assessed with the validation and test sets.

Elastic-net penalty models were used for regression where we optimized the alpha parameter (final value of 0.25) for the logistic regression analysis, and the alpha and l1 ratio parameters (to final values of 0.35 and 0.01 respectively) for the Cox regression analysis. After having locked a cluster configuration, the medium of the hazard predictions on the training set was used to define the threshold between the low and high risk groups used on the test set and shown in Fig.2G。The statistical significance between the two groups is measured using the log rank test and ap-value threshold of 0.05.In addition to the cross-validation results on the development cohort, the generalizability of those trained networks was tested by inferences on the two external cohorts, CAUSA and Mayo.

Cluster analysis


48(Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) and PAGA49(partition-based graph abstraction) were used to visualize the tile vector representations and resulting Leiden clusters. PAGA provides an additional layer of interpretability by preserving the topology where edges between the nodes denote statistically relevant connectivity between HPCs.For each HPC, 100 tiles were randomly selected and visually interpreted (blinded from the positions of the HPCs on the PAGA) by three board certified Mohs surgeons and a senior dermatology resident (M.C., S.R.J., R.W.) who freely annotated and labeled each of them (no features to choose from were supplied). Consensus annotations, which arrived if all reviewers agreed with the annotation features, are shown in Supplementary Table

6。Annotations were then mapped into the PAGA (Fig.3for the development cohort, and, for the external test cohorts, in Supplementary Figs.14,,,,15), where interesting connections between nodes can be seen despite the pathologists’ annotations having been done without knowledge of the PAGA.Analyses of the correlation between the clusters and external annotations were done following the HPL pipeline29

: SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) and Forest plots were used to evaluate how each HPC affects the log odds ratio of patients. The SHAP values were calculated across each test set of 3-fold cross-validation analyses. The Forest plots are based on the log hazard ratio of Cox proportional hazards model over the train sets of a 3-fold cross-validation. The coefficients were averaged across fold and combinedp-values with Fisher’s combined probability test. Correlations with pathologic diagnostic and type of recurrence (LR or overall metastases) was achieved using Spearman’s rank correlation with a significance threshold of 0.01 on thep-values (adjusted with the Benjamini/Hochberg51method for false discovery rate). Overall metastases include both nodal and distant ones.Furthermore, Cox proportional hazards regressions univariate analysis was performed on each cohort using a 3-fold cross validation approach.Supervised analysisTo explore whether the performance of the outcome prediction in a supervised manner, we used DeepPATH


and followed an approach comparable to the one used to predict response to Melanoma treatment in Johannet et al.

22, training inception v352twice at a magnification of 20x: first to automatically segment the slides, second to predict the outcome from selected segmented regions.For the segmentation, a 3 and 5-class network were trained.In the 3-class approach explored, the network was trained to identify the following classes: regions of interest, artifacts and other features (muscle, bone, cartilage, hair follicles, nerve…).The goal was therefore to simply be able to sort out the artifacts and other features regions judged irrelevant by the team to later predict outcome.In the 5-class approach, the network was designed to split more precisely the “regions of interest”, and it was therefore trained to identify the following classes: invasive SCC, in-situ SCC, normal epidermis, artifacts and other特征。Next, we trained a network to study the predictability of the good versus poor outcome using the regions of interest only, or using the invasive SCC only.


Reasonable requests for cohort data may be addressed to the corresponding authors.


The codes are written in Python and available on github. The supervised approach relies on the DeepPATH (https://github.com/ncoudray/DeepPATH)。The un-supervised approach relies on the Histomorphological Phenotype Learning pipeline (https://github.com/AdalbertoCq/Histomorphological-Phenotype-Learning) and more details on the code and options used in this study are reported inhttps://github.com/ncoudray/AI-analysis-of-cutaneous-squamous-cell-carcinoma/。参考

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The authors thank the team of the Center of Biospecimen Research and Development from the New York University for their help in digital pathology and histology for this project. The Center of Biospecimen Research and Development, RRID:SCR_018304, is partially supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA016087 at the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center. Parts of the computational analysis for this work were supported by the NYU Langone High Performance Computing (HPC) Core’s resources, and we thank the HPC team for their support. We would like to thank the Genome Technology Center (GTC) for expert library preparation and sequencing, and the Applied Bioinformatics Laboratories (ABL) for providing bioinformatics support and helping with the analysis and interpretation of the data. GTC and ABL are shared resources partially supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA016087 at the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center. This work has used computing resources at the NYU School of Medicine High Performance Computing (HPC) Facility. Other funding Sources include NCI/NIH Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA016087 (A.T.). A.C.Q. is supported by a scholarship from School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.



  1. These authors contributed equally: Nicolas Coudray, Michelle C. Juarez, Maressa C. Criscito, Adalberto Claudio Quiros.

  2. These authors jointly supervised this work: Aristotelis Tsirigos, John A. Carucci.


  1. Applied Bioinformatics Laboratories, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

    Nicolas Coudray & Aristotelis Tsirigos

  2. Department of Medicine, Division of Precision Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

    Nicolas Coudray & Aristotelis Tsirigos

  3. The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

    Michelle C. Juarez, Maressa C. Criscito, Mary L. Stevenson, Nicole A. Doudican & John A. Carucci

  4. School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    Adalberto Claudio Quiros & Ke Yuan

  5. Department of Dermatology, Northwell Health, New York, NY, USA

    Reason Wilken

  6. Department of Dermatology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

    Stephanie R. Jackson Cullison

  7. School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    Ke Yuan

  8. Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    Ke Yuan

  9. Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

    Jamie D. Aquino, Daniel M. Klufas, Jeffrey P. North & Siegrid S. Yu

  10. Department of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    Fadi Murad, Emily Ruiz & Chrysalyne D. Schmults

  11. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer (Lab 20), Campus Miguel de Unamuno, Salamanca, Spain

    Cristian D. Cardona Machado & Javier Cañueto

  12. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca, CANC-30, Salamanca, Spain

    Cristian D. Cardona Machado & Javier Cañueto

  13. Department of Dermatology, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

    Cristian D. Cardona Machado & Javier Cañueto

  14. Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain, IL, USA

    Anirudh Choudhary

  15. Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

    Alysia N. Hughes, Alyssa Stockard, Zachary Leibovit-Reiben & Aaron R. Mangold

  16. Department of Pathology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

    Aristotelis Tsirigos


N.C. and A.C.Q. designed and executed the experiments, and wrote the python codes. N.A.D helped obtain IRB approval and provided logistic coordination between all institutions. M.C.C., S.R.J., R.W. and M.C.J. provided slide annotations and histological assessment of HPCs. N.C., M.C.J. and M.C.C. prepared the manuscript which was later edited or approved by all co-authors. N.C., A.C.Q, K.Y. and A.T provided deep-learning expertise. M.C.C., S.R.J., R.W., M.C.J., and J.A.C. provided squamous cell cancer expertise. R.W, M.L.S., D.M.K, S.Y., J.C., F.M., C.D.S., C.D.C.M., J.C., A.C., A.N.H., A.S., Z.L.-R. and A.R.M. provided the slides and corresponding data. J.A.C. and A.T. jointly supervised the study.


对应Aristotelis Tsirigos或者John A. Carucci。道德声明


The authors declare the following competing interests: A.T.

is a co-founder of Imagenomix;N.C. is a scientific advisor for Imagenomix.其他作者宣称他们没有竞争利益。


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Coudray, N., Juarez, M.C., Criscito, M.C.

等。Self supervised artificial intelligence predicts poor outcome from primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma at diagnosis.NPJ数字。医学 8, 105 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-025-01496-3


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  • doihttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-025-01496-3





