
tinyfool 发布于 2014年07月09日


Turning an iOS Device into an iBeacon

Any iOS device that supports sharing data using Bluetooth low energy can be used as an iBeacon. Because the app you write must run in the foreground, iBeacon support on iOS devices is intended for testing purposes and for apps that always run in the foreground anyway, such as point-of sale apps. For other types of iBeacon implementations, you need to acquire dedicated beacon hardware from third-party manufacturers.

usattc 回复于 2014年07月09日

有点没明白使用场景, 让店员的iPhone充当iBeacon, 给顾客推送信息?

千厮门 回复于 2014年07月09日

用 iOS 设备来做 iBeacon 便于调试。如果解决方案能确定下来,大规模部署改用硬件成本会低很多的。

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