1:按照ui7kit的文档,添加ui7kit到项目之后,编译提示找不到-libpods。 我自己设置了Targets-> Build Settings-> Library Search Paths 加上:./Pods/build/Debug-iphonesimulator 之后在虚拟机上就能运行了,但是在真机调试的时候需要连接./Pods/build/Debug-iphoneos目录下的文件才行。 怎么设置才行那?难道真机调试时候把Library Search Paths改成“./Pods/build/Debug-iphoneos”?虚拟机时候在改回来? 求指点设置方法。我觉得我设置的地方因该不对。。
cocoapods 需要安装然后运行一个脚本之后产生一个 workspace 文件后基于这个开发,cocoapods 会自动帮你生成一个 lib 并帮你在主工程中引用
ui7kit 有三个依赖项,一个是 sevenswitch 一个是 FoundationExtension,最新的还有 GIKPopoverBackgroundView,都能在 github 上找到
我没用cocoapods, 直接拉进去的每个依赖库。
之前有私有接口,修复了。但是XCode4.0没有validate出私有接口,但是XCode5.0检查出来了。但是同时有很多人用5.0 GM 原先没问题的项目检查出私有接口了。似乎是XCode5.0的问题。
I am happy to see you are playing with UI7Kit. Because I don't know chinese, I had trouble to understand what you discussed exactly. But I found you are meeting some bugs, problems or missing features.
Please feel free to report any bugs, problems or missing features to github project. I am trying to make UI7Kit as effortless iOS7 compatibility layer.
About cocoapods: It is used to manage dependencies. You can do it manually, but cocoapods is easier usually. (UI7Kit has very many files and resources to manage them manually)
About wrong implementations or resources: Please let me know which one is wrong. I need your help and I cannot fix bugs without bug reports :)
About private methods: I am removing it as quickly as possible. Usually they are remained because I don't know which one raises warnings or rejection. Please report them.