

tinyfool 发布于 2017年09月19日




Yes, do teach her to code. More importantly, cultivate in her the ability to keep learning.


In the CS world, all of us are used to needing to jump every ~5 years onto new technologies and paradigms of thinking (internet->cloud->mobile->AI/machine learning), because new technologies get invented at that pace that obsolete parts of what we were previously doing. So CS people are used to learning new things all the time.


The thing that’s now changed is that CS has infected pretty much every other industry. So now it’s not just the CS world that has to change every few years. It’s that everyone now needs to change. That’s why being able to keep learning will be the most important career skill you can teach your daughter.


I also think (almost) everyone should learn to code. Once upon a time, we wondered if everyone needed to be able to read/write. Perhaps we could just have a few literate monks recite text to us, and most of humanity did not need to read/write? Or perhaps we just needed a small number of people to write best-selling books, and no one else needed to be able to write? What we found was that with rising literacy, human-to-human communications became much better: Rather than only having a small group write best sellers, we can also have emails written just for an audience of one, and this too is valuable.


Today we’re in an era where so few people can code that at lot code is written for mass audiences. But if everyone can code, perhaps the mom-and-pop owner of a corner store can write a few lines of code to customize their LCD display for this week’s promotional sale; or perhaps a husband can write a simple app whose only audience will be his wife, much like he might today send an email whose only audience is his wife.


Widespread literacy has transformed human-to-human communication. Now, human-to-machine communication is becoming really important as well, and the ability to code will be the basis for the deepest human-to-machine communication for the forseeable future. So I don’t agree with those who think the world needs only a few million programmers; I think almost everyone should learn to code in the same way that almost everyone should learn to read/write.

wolty 回复于 2017年09月19日


tinyfool 回复于 2017年09月20日

1楼 @wolty 有持续学习的能力,就没有任何问题了。比如,你要学机器学习,需要线性代数,需要微积分知识,怎么办?那就学呗。好吧,你高中没毕业,没学过这些,怎么办?那你就补高中的课呗。


volans 回复于 2017年09月20日



比如让孩子更多接触自然,去露营、去划船、去钓鱼、去徒步, 现在大部分的孩子这些运动的比例少得可怜;




lennon727 回复于 2017年09月20日

3楼 @volans 丝毫没有觉得本文内容与你的主张有什么冲突的地方……

tinyfool 回复于 2017年09月20日

3楼 @volans

4楼 @lennon727


董一凡 回复于 2017年09月20日

(互联网->云->移动->人工智能/机器学习)在这前边再加上 PC,其实看到这个迁移你就会发现每一次迁移有多少人被抛下。而这里边见到的最漂亮的一个借口是「要在某一个领域专精下去」。

tinyfool 回复于 2017年09月20日

6楼 @董一凡 如果确实有专精的话,倒是也无所谓的

董一凡 回复于 2017年09月20日

7楼 @tinyfool 是啊,这句话当然没错。可是大部分时候是拿这个当借口。另一个常见的借口是技术人员要懂业务。

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