

2025-01-31 14:26:34
州长菲尔·墨菲(Phil Murphy)和普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)校长克里斯托弗·埃斯格鲁伯(Christopher L.该枢纽将专注于研发,通过加速器计划商业化创新,并加强AI教育和劳动力发展。合作伙伴预计将投资超过7200万美元来支持长期成功,其中包括新泽西经济发展局(NJEDA)的2500万美元。Microsoft的TechSpark计划还将集成到枢纽中,以促进该州的创建工作和技术培训。NJ AI枢纽的目标是通过与研究大学和初创企业的合作,将新泽西州作为国家AI行业的领导者。
2025-01-31 14:19:00
Google’s new feature uses AI to call businesses on the phone for you Google is testing a new tool called "Ask for Me" which allows AI to call businesses on behalf of users to inquire about pricing and service availability, currently limited to nail salons and auto shops. Users can opt into the feature through Google Search Labs and provide necessary information such as car details or desired appointment times. Businesses receive calls from an automated system identifying itself as calling from Google. Call quotas are in place to prevent overloading businesses with automated calls, and those不愿接收这些自动电话的企业可以在Google商家资料设置中选择退出。目前,“Ask for Me”功能仅面向美甲沙龙和汽车维修店开放,由于实验期间容量有限,启用该功能的用户可能需要加入等待名单。 请注意,最后一句进行了简化处理以便于理解:“Ask for Me” is currently only available for nail salons and auto shops, and users might face a waitlist due to limited capacity during the experimental phase. Hate calling people on the phone? Google will do it for you. Google is testing out a new tool that allows artificial intelligence to make calls to businesses to ask questions for you. “Ask for Me” is a feature that will get information on details such as pricing and service availability. “Ask for Me” is a feature that will get information on details such as pricing and service availability. X/Rose Yao However, for now, it’s only available for nail salons and auto shops, Google product lead Rose Yao said in a post on X. Once you opt into the experiment on Google Search Labs , when you search for nail salons or auto shops you might be prompted with an “Ask for Me” prompt. From there, you’d select it and answer a series of questions — such as what kind of car you have, what service you need to get done and when you would want the appointment to be. You’ll also provide your email and phone number to receive updates about the request. Google spokesperson Craig Ewer told The Verge  that with “Ask for Me,” “every call begins by announcing that it’s an automated system calling from Google on behalf of a user.” It will prompt you to answer a series of questions — such as what kind of car you have, what service you need to get done and when you would want the appointment to be. X/Rose Yao Ewer told The Verge that there are call quotas in place to ensure that businesses don’t get automated calls from Google too much. He said that any information collected on the call “can be used to help with similar requests from other users.” Businesses that don’t want to receive these automated calls can opt-out in their Google Business Profile settings or by telling Google when they receive a call. For now, “Ask for Me” is only available for nail salons and auto shops. X/Rose Yao Users who enable the feature might hit a waitlist since capacity is limited during the experiment, Yao clarified. She added that “Ask for Me” is built using the same Duplex tech that uses AI to make restaurant reservations via Search or Maps as well as help businesses keep details, like store hours, updated on Maps.
20 2025年必须学习的AI和自动化技能|企业家
20 2025年必须学习的AI和自动化技能|企业家
2025-01-31 14:00:00
人工智能正在迅速发展,促使个人决定是拥抱还是被抛在后面。一个课程捆绑包提供25小时的CHATGPT和自动化技能内容,价格为29.99美元(经常$ 790)。这些课程涵盖了各种AI应用程序,例如编写更好的提示,数据可视化,自动化任务,创建社交媒体内容以及通过AI帮助进行准确的编码。参与者完成后获得证书,以展示其在简历或LinkedIn个人资料上的AI技能。
2025-01-31 14:00:00
2025-01-31 13:58:04
2025-01-31 13:56:53
与专业的计算机程序员相比,最终用户程序员多数数百万。最终用户在各种职业中编写了少量的代码,但经常在编程语言的语法细节上挣扎。教育工作者旨在利用Github Copilot(例如Github Copilot)等人工智能工具来帮助这些学生专注于高级问题解决而不是语法,从而使他们能够在基本功能之外创建有意义的软件项目。这种方法被视为扩大能够为非计算机科学领域编写有用代码的最终用户程序员数量的有希望的方法。
2025-01-31 13:30:00
2025-01-31 13:00:01
欧洲最富有的人伯纳德·阿纳尔特(Bernard Arnault)通过投资安全服务来使他的投资组合多样化,从而增加了他现有的奢侈品牌,例如设计师手袋和香槟。
Google寿命令人难以置信的AI现在可以为您致电企业 - 这是如何使用它
Google寿命令人难以置信的AI现在可以为您致电企业 - 这是如何使用它
2025-01-31 12:58:51
Google启动了一个名为“ Way For Me”的AI实验,该实验呼吁企业收集有关价格和可用性的信息。该服务目前仅限于汽车商店和美甲沙龙,使用类似的技术来双工,并提供了收集的信息后呼叫后的摘要。一旦授予访问权限,用户就可以在Google的Labs部门网站上加入候补名单,以尝试此新功能。
2025-01-31 12:52:49