平常看英文技术资料什么的没有什么障碍,然后最近想看看投资方面的书,就跑亚马逊买了一本 聪明的投资者英文版,结果完全看不懂。看来还是图样图那义务啊。是该要硬着头皮坚持看下去还是换些简单的英文书循序渐进的看呢。
我买了一本《Made in USA》,其实是那种学术派的文章,估计跟你这个很像,里面全都是长词儿,不是manufacturing就是economic、agriculture之类的跟我看《the Power of Habit》感觉完全不同,简直是天壤之别,跟看技术文章也不一样,基本上每页都需要查不少次词典才能继续,而且还不能完全领会里面在讲什么。
不过我很惊喜,这就是跳出safe zone以后的阵痛,但是跳出了safe zone,就是成长啊。加油兄弟。
3楼 @灵感之源 有些地方有是单词不认识。但是也有单词都是好像认识,但是完全不知道他在讲什么。比如抄书中一段。What Has Happened Since 1964 The major change since 1964 has been the rise in interest rates on first-grade bonds to record high levels, although there has since been a considerable recovery from the lowest prices of 1970. The obtainable return on good corporate issues is now about 71⁄2% and even more against 41⁄2% in 1964. In the meantime the dividend return on DJIA-type stocks had a fair advance also during the market decline of 1969–70, but as we write (with “the Dow” at 900) it is less than 3.5% against 3.2% at the end of 1964. The change in going interest rates produced a maximum decline of about 38% in the market price of medium-term (say 20-year) bonds during this period.