次数多了可能不太好退了,但是——架不住用户有闲心可以多申请几个Apple ID啊!!
不知道大家有没有什么好辙,可以验证一个已经支付的订单是否被退款了。(明显的,我们手上有该订单的receipt,并且通过 https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt 可以获得transaction_id等等订单的基本信息)
貌似 由 Apple 的客服人员全权处理..
According to an answer one of my users received from Apple, refunding an app means they will no longer receive updates to the app, but doesn't remove the app from the device. IAP appears to work the same.
I am wondering if there is not a way by using restoreCompletedTransactions to check for the iAP purchase, but this would pop up a request for the user's iTunes password, so its use is limited."
退款并不会影响使用 只不过不能更新..
The strategy is:
a. You save the latest_receipt ("MIIUJgYJKoZIhvc..." base64) field in your DB, associated with the user account.
b. Every day you query apple to validate all the receipts, by sending them the base64 receipt from saved latest_receipt field.
c. In the receipt you check if there is a cancellation_date field. If you find it, treat it according to apple documentation:
Cancellation Date
For a transaction that was canceled by Apple customer support, the time and date of the cancellation.
ASN.1 Field Type 1712
ASN.1 Field Value IA5STRING, interpreted as an RFC 3339 date
JSON Field Name cancellation_date
JSON Field Value string, interpreted as an RFC 3339 date
Treat a canceled receipt the same as if no purchase had ever been made.