硬件mfi通过了,软件app 还要通过吗? 请大家指导

shifeng310 发布于 2014年06月18日

我们公司得硬件是通过mfi认证的,为什么我的app被打回?app里有部分相关mfi的代码,具体苹果回复邮件如下图: 没有网络图片,只有本地截图,不方便上传,我就复制下苹果的回复邮件吧!


Not in MFI Program ----- MFi - Program Authorization -----

We are unable to post your app to the App Store at this time because your app has not been authorized by the accessory manufacturer to work with the MFi accessory. Please contact the accessory manufacturer to request your app be added to the MFi Product Plan form.

Once the accessory manufacturer confirms that your app has been added to the MFi Product Plan form, please reply to this message. When we receive your reply with this confirmation, we can proceed with the review; we do not require a new binary even though your application state in iTunes Connect state is Rejected.

If you have not yet provided the accessory's MFi Product Plan ID (PPID), please enter this information in the Review Notes for your app in iTunes Connect. If you do not know the PPID, please request this information from the accessory manufacturer.


shifeng310 回复于 2014年06月18日


tinyfool 回复于 2014年06月18日

1楼 @shifeng310 文字你看懂了么?

shifeng310 回复于 2014年06月18日

联系我们硬件部门把app加入mfi Product Plan form. 并为app 申请ppid。

登录 或者 注册