

圣殿骑士 发布于 2015年04月30日 | 更新于 2015年04月30日
tinyfool 清醒疯子 等2人欣赏。

一. 背景


由于前面几个系统的顺利开发完成并上线,所以忙里偷闲,恰巧最近公司突然来了一个在我看来非常大且持久的项目,面对挑战,我希望能把它顺利的接下来并做大做好,遂希望招聘几名志同道合的.NET程序猿。 二. 招聘信息


    Bachelor degree in business, software engineering, or computer science.        
    Experience creating ASP.NET views in MVC/Razor utilizing CSS and jQuery/JavaScript.
    C# .NET development in Framework 4 or newer.
    Experience with WCF web services or Web API.
    Familiarity with Microsoft Unit Testing tools, including MS Test and MS Fakes.
    Experience with source-control management systems, particularly Microsoft TFS.
    Demonstrated ability to make informed decisions quickly and leverage communication abilities to implement them.
    Any experience or knowledge on MVVM Framework (Angular.js or Knockout.js) will be a big Plus.

  工作地点为新加坡。 三. 项目相关信息

自从加入公司后,做完了两个比较大一点的项目,其中也完善了一些基本的架构设计及框架,所以这次的新项目希望能复用之前的一些设计成果。 架构设计图:


01_Client:存放UI相关的项目,比如Winform, WPF,ASP.NET, Silverlight,ASP.NET MVC或者相关的Web Model及View Model项目。
02_Hosting:存放与Service相关的项目,可以是Direct Service,Remoting Service,Web Service,WCF Service或者Web API Service 。
04_Infrastructure:非业务方面的功能框架 (Data,Common,DataContract,AOP, IOC,Logging,Encryption,Email)。
06_Tests:所有测试项目(数据访问测试,框架测试,业务逻辑测试,服务测试以及View Model测试)。


imageimage 执行序列图

调用Service之前需要调用Service Adapter,然后根据项目配置来决定调用WCF Service,Web API Service 还是直接DLL引用:

image 四. 对项目的期望


Loose Coupling:隔离耦合是架构设计必须要考虑的一个因素,如果系统不能做到高内聚、低耦合,那么在维护,升级,新功能开发方面就会是一场噩梦!
High Performance:高性能是系统设计必须重视的要点,用户不可能忍受简单页面加载超过十秒,也不可能接受页面操作频繁卡死的情形,所以在架构设计的时候必须从数据库,逻辑,服务以及UI进行合理的优化。
Enjoy Your Life:最后一点也是最重要的一点,不要忙碌于重复的码农工作,喝杯咖啡,享受代码,早点回家,陪老婆、陪小孩,环球旅游,享受生活!

五. 面试题目


其实面试题目比较简单,主要考察最基本的算法、面向对象及项目经验: Solution Implementation: Meeting Track Management

Suppose you are planning a big programming Meeting and have received many proposals which have passed the initial screen process but you're having trouble fitting them into the time constraints of the day -- there are so many possibilities! So you write a program to do it for you.

• The Meeting has multiple tracks each of which has a morning and afternoon session.
• Each session contains multiple talks.
• Morning sessions begin at 9am and must finish by 12 noon, for lunch.
• Afternoon sessions begin at 1pm and must finish in time for the networking event.
• The networking event can start no earlier than 4:00 and no later than 5:00.
• No talk title has numbers in it.
• All talk lengths are either in minutes (not hours) or lightning (5 minutes).
• Presenters will be very punctual; there needs to be no gap between sessions.

Note that depending on how you choose to complete this problem, your solution may give a different ordering or combination of talks into tracks. This is acceptable; you don’t need to exactly duplicate the sample output given here. Test input:

Writing Fast Tests Against Enterprise Rails 60min
Overdoing it in Python 45min
Lua for the Masses 30min
Ruby Errors from Mismatched Gem Versions 45min
Common Ruby Errors 45min
Rails for Python Developers lightning
Communicating Over Distance 60min
Accounting-Driven Development 45min
Woah 30min
Sit Down and Write 30min
Pair Programming vs Noise 45min
Rails Magic 60min
Ruby on Rails: Why We Should Move On 60min
Clojure Ate Scala (on my project) 45min
Programming in the Boondocks of Seattle 30min
Ruby vs. Clojure for Back-End Development 30min
Ruby on Rails Legacy App Maintenance 60min
A World Without HackerNews 30min
User Interface CSS in Rails Apps 30min

Test output:

Track 1:

09:00AM Writing Fast Tests Against Enterprise Rails 60min
10:00AM Overdoing it in Python 45min
10:45AM Lua for the Masses 30min
11:15AM Ruby Errors from Mismatched Gem Versions 45min
12:00PM Lunch
01:00PM Ruby on Rails: Why We Should Move On 60min
02:00PM Common Ruby Errors 45min
02:45PM Pair Programming vs Noise 45min
03:30PM Programming in the Boondocks of Seattle 30min
04:00PM Ruby vs. Clojure for Back-End Development 30min
04:30PM User Interface CSS in Rails Apps 30min
05:00PM Networking Event

Track 2:

09:00AM Communicating Over Distance 60min
10:00AM Rails Magic 60min
11:00AM Woah 30min
11:30AM Sit Down and Write 30min
12:00PM Lunch
01:00PM Accounting-Driven Development 45min
01:45PM Clojure Ate Scala (on my project) 45min
02:30PM A World Without HackerNews 30min
03:00PM Ruby on Rails Legacy App Maintenance 60min
04:00PM Rails for Python Developers lightning
05:00PM Networking Event


Use OOP, Algorithms and your experience to implement your solution with the following applications:

1. WPF with MVVM
3. ASP.NET MVC with MVVM (AngularJS, KnockoutJs or Backbone.js)

六. 待遇

关于待遇,大家可以参考我之前写的一篇关于新加坡IT薪酬。 七. 欢迎有兴趣的朋友与我联系

最后,欢迎有兴趣的朋友与我联系,发送简历及面试解决方案到我的邮箱(sggeekcoder(at)gmail(dot)com或者KnightsWarrior(at)msn(dot)com ),尽力做到查阅必回。

清醒疯子 回复于 2015年04月30日


圣殿骑士 回复于 2015年04月30日

1楼 @清醒疯子 谢谢!

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