

sanmiko 发布于 2016年04月25日 | 更新于 2017年08月22日

关于新西兰不为人知的另一面,这个网站上有很多分享,有兴趣的大家可以仔细看看。 比如近期unitec中国留学生遇袭事件的报道: https://e2nz.org/2016/04/02/its-official-auckland-is-unsafe-street-gangs-need-to-be-cleaned-up-once-and-for-all-chinese-consulate-demands-solution/

我们网站上有很多移民成功的例子,为避免幸存者偏差,这里转一篇失败的例子供大家参考。 下文引自e2nz.org,是一位斯里兰卡留学生的分享,我就不翻译了: I m not sure if this is the right place to include this. I assume the site admin will take the decision what to do with this. I am a Sri Lankan, came to New Zealand for IT studies after getting fooled by the study abroad agents in our country. They are promoting NZ studies saying that students are able to get in to jobs as soon as they are out from the university/college with the one year graduate job search visa. Then when they find the study related job in Skill shortage list they can get PR and settle in New Zealand etc etc.

If any student from Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Philippine reading this, who are planning to come to NZ for studies aiming for PR or finding a job in NZ after studies, please think twice thrice and more….. more…… It is not simple as they say. Do not waste your or your parents’ hard earned money go waste.

I am on my graduate job search visa after level 7 IT Graduate Diploma. I have my IT degree from Sri Lanka and have more than 6 years of experience in IT as a Systems Administrator and Network Engineer. I am on my 9th month on graduate job search visa and it is almost going to end in 3 months. I have applied for more than 680 jobs and had several phone interviews, skype interviews, face to face interviews and interviews with job agents. As far as I know most of the interviews went well. I managed to answer the technical questions well and had good conversations during the interview. But for some reason they do not offer the job. Some give the feedback saying you don’t have NZ experience. Some say we found a better candidate but I could see the vacancy still exist in the job website for many more weeks after that. Basically they are looking for a suitable Kiwi candidate for the job. I have tried most popular job search method here “door knocking” in most IT or IT related companies in the city I’m staying. No luck. I have almost given up looking for jobs and planning to pack my bags to go back. Especially during the last 3 months of job search visa the employers and job agents don’t even look at our CVs because they know the visa extension is doubtful. I wasted almost NZ$ 35,000-40,000 which I got from Sri Lanka + about NZ$ 15,000 which I earned in NZ, doing cleaning jobs and pick packing jobs. We had 11 Asian students in our batch and only one Indian student managed to get a decent IT job through one of his relatives who was working here in an IT company and through his reference. Two guys started working in a farm as fruit pickers and one Nepali student went to work in a cattle farm because he did not have any other way of paying back his loan which he has taken to come to NZ. One other got in to a driving job as a Truck driver. One got into a contract job for 3 months in a telecom call centre because she had some call centre experience previously and she was good in talking all rubbish but not work. She was scoring the lowest marks during studies and from others help she passed the exams and assignments. The guy who was the batch top with lots of IT skills and experience went to work in a farm and girl who was talkative got at least a job for 3 months. This is New Zealand. One other batch mate was determined to get out of this laid back country and got admission with a scholarship in a university in European country for master’s studies. I think he was the luckiest to escape from NZ. The rest is like me doing odd jobs in odd timings to survive. With odd jobs you can earn money to survive but saving is far from reach with rent, food and tax. I am taking my time to write this thinking that this might be helpful to take a wise decision if anyone is planning to come to NZ thinking of getting to a study related job after studies. If you have money you can throw then it is not a problem to try NZ. I know most of us from Asian countries work hard to earn and save money. Some students have taken loans to come to NZ for studies thinking a future here. Please do not waste that hard earned money giving to NZ colleges and agents to get rich. Especially I heard that some agents are taking money from students to send them to NZ. Actually agents should not take any fee from the student as they get a certain percentage from the college or university for introducing a student. Please read NZ immigration website for information.

Do some homework to learn about the job market and life in NZ. This is not a paradise. Even for Kiwis there are no jobs. I know a work mate who is Kiwi, qualified and rained as a high school teacher working as a pick packer in the same warehouse house that I am working. Unemployment rate in NZ is higher than Sri Lanka. Tax rate is very high especially if you are earning a higher salary. There are lots of problems which you will not see from outside. I have met Asian’s got married to Maori, Fiji Indian’s or Asian’s with refugee status to get PR here and living lives in hell. Once I met an Indian guy his mother was very sick in India but could not even send money because he has to give his daily earnings from the farm to his Maori partner for her drinks. He was literally crying. Some students have tried committing suicide because they could not payback the loans in their home country and there is no hope here either.

If you really want to study in NZ get admission in a University. There are colleges coming up and going down like mushrooms, they just want your money. Even if you pass out, the qualification is not recognized. If you really want to study and go back to your own country then NZ is a good country as they are more focus on practical rather than theory. Do not come to NZ thinking of staying here. Especially for Asians, this is not a good country to stay with all the racism issues, drug problems, and very high unemployment rate.

There are brain surgeons’ driving taxis. Qualified accountants doing motel cleaning. IT engineers working as container loaders/unloaders and as construction labours. Veterinary surgeons’ working as cattle farm assistants. Pilots doing caregiving jobs in rest homes. They all are with NZ qualifications not anywhere else.

NZ needs blue collar workers and not skilled professionals. NZ Immigration should encourage farmers, construction labours, carpenters, masons and cleaners if they don’t have Kiwi people to do this kind of jobs. It is waste of knowledge and professional skills of these graduates that they have to work as blue collar workers after finishing their higher degrees. A person who has experience working as a farmer will work much efficiently and effectively in a farming job than a graduate. Milking a cow does not need a degree! Simple!

Please do not listen to the agent thinking what they say is 100% true. Think about the situation after your studies if you don’t get a job in the related field. There are so many student have retuned back to their own country after one year graduate job search visa failing to find a job. People who come with PR can’t find jobs. Finding a study related job in one year is not an easy task. It is almost impossible. There is no skill shortage in IT actually in New Zealand. There are so many IT graduates looking for jobs both local and international students. The shortage could be in qualified people with 10-12 years experience. But for this kind of positions they do not hire foreigners. They want a Kiwi for this type of a senior jobs. At least a native speaker, even if they can’t do the job properly.

I can write pages and pages about this. Simply my advise is do a lot of research before you take the decision to come to NZ. Talk to at least 10 people who has studied in NZ. Go through the immigration NZ website in detail. Contact people from social media websites who are already in NZ or who has gone back to their home country after studies. Do not listen only to the agents for NZ colleges.

Hope this will be of some help.

tinyfool 回复于 2016年04月25日


ljb_iss 回复于 2016年04月25日

警醒,是要好好研究下NZ的IT job market。留学移民的不就是最怕这个吗?学也上了,但是找不到工作。 :(

sanmiko 回复于 2016年04月25日

我觉得每个想过去的同学都应该好好看看这个网站上留学生分享这块 international-students-common-room。对于新西兰和澳洲,留学是吸金产业,学生是待宰羔羊。每年都有大量学生花完了手上的所有钱最后不得不回国。另外新西兰的治安问题也不容忽视。

kamushin 回复于 2016年04月25日

IMHO, finding an IT job in a farmer country is weird.

alex_ao 回复于 2016年04月25日




我个人毕业之后在墨尔本找了半年工作,无果,最后选择回国。那是不是真的在澳洲完全没有机会呢?那当然也不是,机会总是留给有准备的人,机会也是留给那些有运气的人。我身边就有那种又有准备,又有运气的人。在澳洲毕业几年后,找到了月薪六七千澳币的工作。但那毕竟是少数。在墨尔本的半年,我应聘过一家call center的工作,是澳洲人开的公司,在里面干了2个星期就被fire掉了。我在call center不是接电话,也是写代码,具体写什么代码就没必要细说了。总而言之,做了两个星期,老板找我谈话,说我们需要有经验的人,我们之前要你是看你英语不错,也挺有冲劲的一个小伙子,但是你工作经验太少,不能独当一面,你还是先回去多练练吧。然后第二天就滚蛋了。在公司的几个星期里,也见过很多人过来面试,面试的是我这么一个junior developer职位。但那些面试的人都是什么人你知道吗?举其中两个例子吧。第一个是一个印度人,在印度干了七八年IT,来澳洲读了2年书;第二个是一个中国人,在国内微软干了七八年,移民过来这边。他们都是很有工作经验的三十多岁的人,竟然被逼来应聘一个junior的职位。可想而知,澳洲的工作竞争压力多大。



bolome 回复于 2016年04月25日

感谢这位老兄, 建议确实很中肯

volans 回复于 2016年04月26日

我必须的提一下,我在国内也人模狗样的混到某假装知名外企的principle engineer,但离岸找到新西兰offer给的是Engineer I。在那个公司和澳大刚毕业的级别一样。

michaelwhk 回复于 2016年04月26日


但是就鬼老的情況來說,人確實不會願意麻煩自己來給你搞個名額,而且找個同樣的人,本地市場上有不會要oversea的候選人的。本地找工作的網站上找找就知道了,基本的要求是PR or citizen。


alec_huang 回复于 2016年04月26日

7楼 @volans 前辈,问一下,新西兰那边公司这样做是故意对外来人员还是别的什么原因?

sanmiko 回复于 2016年04月26日

9楼 @alec_huang 其实就类比非洲人在中国找工作,如果水平程度都差不多,为什么要去雇一个非洲人还要帮你办身份呢。

volans 回复于 2016年05月03日

9楼 @alec_huang 也不能算是针对谁,毕竟你的经验在国内,公司需要了解你的时间。少给点儿钱,然后给一定的时间来看你的能力具体再调薪调岗位的情况也常出现。对公司来说,离岸发个offer风险也不小。

volans 回复于 2016年05月03日

10楼 @sanmiko 和国内的情况不好比,其实中国也有工作签证,但由于监管不严格绝大多数外国留学生旅游者非法打工。但在国外,风险很大,一般情况下正规注册的公司没人敢雇佣没工作许可的,因为那是一个大炸弹,可能搞到雇主信用污点再难翻身,当然中餐馆也大量充斥的洗盘子洗碗的黑工,干完活儿当时现金交易。国内的话,雇主更愿意雇佣个非洲人也说不准:)

asimofish 回复于 2016年06月08日


aichaoguy 回复于 2016年06月11日

If you didn't really prepare yourself and get some luck, life can be tough.

Getting away from home is not that beautiful.

twok 回复于 2016年06月12日




huihui_yang 回复于 2016年11月06日

人在纽西兰, 我认为抱着纯为移民目的读书本身这个事情就很幼稚. 如果没有任何退路. 仔细阅读了文章,这位斯里兰卡兄弟的经历几乎是没法应用到我们中国人身上的. 因为斯里兰卡人跟印度人,韩国人,日本人,菲律宾人交朋友, 我们中国人就是跟中国人中国人中国人交朋友. 我们人多圈子广啊.哈哈

国内现在基本过去如果为了移民读书的基本都是在工作有正式工作经验的, 以我身边认识的IT来干,如果毕业后读书找工作, 历程艰辛是因为毕业之后只有一年工签限制,大家都急于找一份工作赶紧申请移民, 之后才会提高要求去追求薪资,追求发展(当然这也没什么大发展) lol

我是在unitec读的pgd, 是在这里认识的【工作5年,辞职屠鸭】计划留学移民NZ【持续更新】 这篇文章的作者丁丁,我们是同一时间入境入读unitec的. 一起租房,但是他是雅思过了直接读的PGD, 我比他晚半年,先读了语言才读的PGD. 在这里找工作有技能是基础, 人脉跟英语太重要了. 就像国内工作几年,大家也基本很少投简历. 都是朋友推荐+猎头.

所以楼主这篇文章警醒一下就好, 工作机会是少但不是偏见, 而是太看重match以及并不能得到太多的面试机会. 我现在感觉已经是完全回不到北京, 看着雾霾了. 每天呼吸呼吸新鲜空气挺好 就是真的太boring了. 哈哈. 因为我是个单身狗

无聊才翻起这个, 今天刚周末去了鸟岛回来 放张图 放荡不羁爱自由

留学移民是条路,但不能背水一战. 这只是一个选择, 出来读个书混个研究生也挺好.

钱进100 回复于 2017年08月22日

大概把文章看完了,看着挺累的。在NZ呆过一年,也找过IT工作,投过80+简历,自己网投的让笔试的就一家,另外朋友内推了一些,洋葱电话面试1次,P公司笔试1次,均以失败告终,期间也有一两个中介电话邮件问我情况,然后没下文。这就是我所有的在NZ找IT工作经历。难吗?挺难的,基本都是拒信,但同样比我迟来NZ半年,有俩认识的妹子(都IT)分别在1个月和2个月内找到工作,一个是IBM国内三年经验,一个搜狗6年技术管理牛人,刚开始都着急说找不到工作没面试,说这说着就把Offer收入囊中,再来个回眸一笑,啧啧啧。其实说到底,这边找工作还是看三点:英语、人脉、技术。我个人失败原因很大一部分是英语,当初拿着5.5的雅思去的NZ,张口都困难,更别说找工作,上面说的俩妹子接触过一点,英语都不错。另外说一下P公司笔试,都是些很基础的题外加案列分析,我英语烂得一逼自然被刷,后来听妹子说她知道的就一个阿三进入二面,一年前就投过这家公司,10年IT经验.... 总的来说NZ的IT工作并没有外面传闻的所谓 长期短缺 ,可能相对于其他工作稍微“短缺”一点吧,全国才400W人口,一个农业国家,IT缺口能有多大动动脚趾头也能想明白,加之近几年国内把NZ吹得天花烂坠,一大波IT民工都挤破头想去NZ,压力可想而知。 去NZ,建议抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算,除非土豪,否则不建议破釜沉舟。工作很难找,但机会总是给有准备的人。

tinyfool 回复于 2017年08月22日

18楼 @钱进100 你的案例很鲜活,而且建议很有意义


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