ClassA* objA = [[[ClassA alloc] init] autorelease];
objA.myBlock = ^{
[self doSomething];
self.objA = objA;
只能 __weak MyClass* weakSelf = self;
然后objA.myBlock中: [weakSelf doSomething];
另外,开了ARC之后,出现retain circle的地方会给出warning的。
10楼 @terryso 是的。其实关于block内存管理 官方文档里有提到,可能大家都没注意到。
When a block is copied, it creates strong references to object variables used within the block. If you use a block within the implementation of a method:
If you access an instance variable by reference, a strong reference is made to self;
If you access an instance variable by value, a strong reference is made to the variable.
The following examples illustrate the two different situations:
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
// instanceVariable is used by reference, a strong reference is made to self
id localVariable = instanceVariable;
dispatch_async(queue, ^{ /* localVariable is used by value, a strong reference is made to localVariable (and not to self).
10楼 @terryso 是的。其实关于block内存管理 官方文档里有提到,可能大家都没注意到。
When a block is copied, it creates strong references to object variables used within the block. If you use a block within the implementation of a method:
If you access an instance variable by reference, a strong reference is made to self;
If you access an instance variable by value, a strong reference is made to the variable.
The following examples illustrate the two different situations:
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
// instanceVariable is used by reference, a strong reference is made to self
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
localVariable is used by value, a strong reference is made to localVariable
(and not to self).
doSomethingWithObject(localVariable); });